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About awkwardbara2

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  1. awkwardbara2

    scammed by another loser

    https://gyazo.com/ecf9de9eb93ae85bdf56d406c34c22ff https://gyazo.com/1203bc832ce129b028242c4ed443373b after i beat him 100b, he refused to pay. ban him and rf.
  2. awkwardbara2

    sacmmed 500b by the hole

  3. awkwardbara2

    sacmmed 500b by the hole

    i won't 500b stake, after losing 6 lee bows to him. He said payout was 4 korasies and 4 ele bows, but lies and xferrs onto another account and logs out. Got on video.
  4. awkwardbara2

    5$ donation problem

    its been over a day and I have not received my donation in game. (2016-0521-0329-50-552(41412816))
  5. awkwardbara2

    Still stuck in jail

    Any update? I'm still dying in jail.
  6. awkwardbara2

    Selling YouTube Channel

    This is pathetic. Nobody is going to buy an account like yours my friend. I may as well buy viewers and subscribers from some unknown site . Good luck though.
  7. awkwardbara2

    Poison/Venom Instantly Hitting

    I heard that some kid got a korasi from a "pk". I was wondering if that was you who lost it to him?
  8. awkwardbara2

    stuck in jail

    Bug Abuse? Look, I'm 100% sure I didn't abuse ANY bugs. Must have been a misunderstanding. I was recording most of my gameplay, I was rushing in the wild but thats about as buggy as it gets.
  9. awkwardbara2

    stuck in jail

    Is there any way you can contact another mod? I mean I can't stand just sitting here
  10. awkwardbara2

    stuck in jail

    New 13-05, 14:17 I X I Awkward - please take a look at the new update; duel "scams" are no longer agsint the rules since Ryan has added a notification in the chat telling you what rules are changed so it's the players responsibility to pay attention
  11. awkwardbara2

    stuck in jail

    Listen... Ive been waiting patiently for over 8 hours.. He obviously jailed me for a duel arena scam. Can you please just unjail me until he gets back on?
  12. awkwardbara2

    stuck in jail

    Alright. But just to let you know, you recently said that "duel arena "scams" are no longer against the rules after the new update, and its the players responsibility to check the rules". I have a screeshot of you saying that. I even talked to a moderator before; I was jailed for the same exact reason and just told him that "i x i said that scamming is not against the rule in the duel arena" and he seemed to understand". Its been over 7 hours of be begging for someone to get me out of jail, but ill wait...
  13. awkwardbara2

    stuck in jail

    someone please tele me out of jail
  14. awkwardbara2

    i got rainbow in my first mystery box

    lmfao. Anything like this happen to you?
  15. awkwardbara2

    I can't stand my karma...

    Inactive staff, scammers, rushers... literally makes one go crazy. Lost 24b to dc, and guy wouldn't rm or rf, 11b to dicer, and another 26b to quick switches in the duel arena. Does anyone else have this problem? Or is it just me...