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Xp ♂

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10 Good

About Xp ♂

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday March 20


  • Occupation
    Law Enforcement

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  1. Xp ♂

    First day

    Welcome to SpawnPK, Glad to see you enjoying the server so far! (Image isn't working) Thanks for voting in my Vote Event today, much appreciated! :cool:
  2. Xp ♂


    Welcome to SpawnPK! :cool:
  3. Xp ♂

    My First SpawnPk edge Pking vid :)

    Nice vid, Keep em coming! :cool:
  4. Xp ♂

    Reshape the Minimap?

    The Prayer, HP, Run features will be there.. Sorry, I couldn't find an image with those added to the square minimap.. BUT I guarantee you, those won't be left out!
  5. Xp ♂

    williamwoody account cant log in says wrong password

    Passwords are case sensitive, perhaps you didn't capitalize a letter? :confused:
  6. Xp ♂

    biggest problem on the server...

    To my knowledge, an eco reset will never happen. According to Ryan I will never ever consider an eco reset, they ruin the reputation of a server and ultimately diminish the player base. :mad:
  7. Xp ♂

    Over Powered (Jordan)

    Welcome back! :cool:
  8. Xp ♂

    Reshape the Minimap?

    Thanks for the reply, and a toggle option would be a nice addition!
  9. Xp ♂

    Reshape the Minimap?

    Instead of a circular minimap, it turns out to be a square. It helps heaps, considering you get more minimap view than the circle. Example; The Prayer, HP, & Run features will be added to the left of the square! This is for non-refractored clients. In client.java, search for: Code: int l2 = 464 - ((Class30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1) (aClass30_Sub2_Sub4_Sub1_Sub2_1126)).anInt1551 / 32; Under that line, paste this: Code: for (int x = 0; x < anIntArray1229.length; x++){ anIntArray1229[x] = 170; anIntArray1052[x] = -23; } Compile and run. This is for refactored clients. In client.java, search for: Code: int l2 = 464 - myPlayer.y / 32; Under that line add this: Code: for (int x = 0; x < anIntArray1229.length; x++){ anIntArray1229[x] = 170; anIntArray1052[x] = -23; } Compile and run. (Forgive me if that code doesn't work, I'm not familiar with coding.. Found it on Rune-Server) http://www.rune-server.org/runescape-development/rs2-client/tutorials/47580-reshape-minimap-4.html Just a thought, if it can't be done.. Totally understand! Thanks :cool:
  10. Xp ♂

    I am Groot.

  11. Xp ♂

    a option that can disable pvping

    Well, If you ever consider getting Donator+ rank, located at :;Dzone there's a couple bosses that aren't in the Wilderness.. Completely SAFE Check the benefits here; http://spawnpk.net/forums/showthread.php?t=875 On another note, I don't agree with an option to disable players from attacking you while you're PvM'ing bosses in the Wildy. Those bosses are there for a reason.. Simply to keep the wilderness active, having this option (IMO) is unethical.
  12. Xp ♂

    So, Welcome to Toxic Scape, how may we flame you?

    Welcome to the Internet..
  13. Xp ♂

    Hello SpawnPK

    Hello, Xp here! - I was referred by a relative to join this amazing server, boy am I happy with my 2nd day of gameplay.. Extremely pleased with how well coded this server is, very high quality for a spawn server.. I've played MANY servers since 2008, I'd put this server at the top of my list of all time greats! (Hard to believe there isn't more players, but I'm sure SpawnPK is still growing). :cool: I've joined as a Trained Account, hoping to achieve the Completionist Cape. I'm a bit rusty with PKing, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon! LOVE A SERVER WITH AN ACTIVE WILDY. Looking forward to meeting you guys! ~ Xp