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About Alux

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    Junior Member
  1. Alux

    Alux Hacked

    http://prntscr.com/ak9wrm Here's my donations, I've donated over 110$ in like 2 days, About 3 days ago I lost access to my account and I'm not sure what happened, I'd like my password changed to on the account "Alux" and if my stuff's gone it'd be nice to get that back too...
  2. Alux

    Make Yoshi Pet work at Abyssal Sire?

    Ah understandable.
  3. Alux

    Make Yoshi Pet work at Abyssal Sire?

    That's a fair point, But it's already extremely AFK with mage prayer. Edit: What's the other boss that's aggressive?
  4. Alux

    please help

    You were probably poisoned. I did some KBD a bit ago, Went to the bank and get gas IRL for about 20 minutes came back and i was 12 HP.
  5. I'm currently at Sire using my Yoshi pet and I know it sounds like a lazy thing to ask since the loot is within reach but the point of the Yoshi pet is to have your items bank, Can we get it to loot the Coins/Blood Money/Drops?
  6. https://gyazo.com/0161a293c6c34519932a10c2ca8befb9 Wanted to share the play on here so any other CSGO players can see =)