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11 Good

About Sarah

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  1. Sarah

    Scooby Dooo Staff Application

    +1 Great person to ask for help, Scooby is always yelling to ask him for any questions related to the game when he is on, However, He will need to cut down on the gambling :P. Overall He is a really good guy and I think that giving him a chance at staff would show you the same thing that many players see in him. I have lent him 1t+ and he has always returned it without fail when I ask! Good luck Scooby!
  2. Sarah

    Goofygoofs Staff Application

    +1 GoofGoofs has always helped players in need that I have seen, he is active on the server almost every day that I have been on and is just an overall good guy to ask for help or talk to! Goofy I really do hope that you do get this position as I feel that you truly deserve it But keep gambling to a minimum you gotta be like bowflexx with his crazy high kbd kc lol gl!
  3. Sarah

    Sparcmacs Helper Application

    +1 Sparcmacs has helped so many players, I have known him for about a year now and he has always greeted new and old player with kindness and help if they need it. His Pms are always open and he is online for a good chunk of the day, I'm sure if you ask any older player about sparc, only good thing will be said. Overall, Sparc is just a good guy weather you are brand new player to being a veteran, he is always willing to communicate clearly and kindly. I think that the position of helper would be perfect for him. Best of luck!
  4. Sarah

    PlankJims First PK video.

    Great work man, Keep up the vids I want to watch more ;D
  5. Sarah

    Anguish and Torment curses.

    Good Idea, This would be a great addition to pking
  6. Sarah

    Gamble Suggestion!!!!

    Yes, Its very annoying when people stand on flowers when you are doing a fp. Good suggestion Keaton!
  7. Sarah

    Soul Wars

    This is a Good idea, I would be happy if they added some sort of mini game in spk