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Everything posted by Z75

  1. Z75

    Max cape stats

    you can afk 3/4 of the skills so all 99s isnt that "good"
  2. Z75


    What would make it attract players when there are servers that basically do this and known for it? like dream-- and imagine--
  3. Z75


    Something due to mystery chest "abusing" (which is why the mystery chest bullet point is there as well)
  4. Z75


    nothing else to do. original account is banned due to owner's mistake 90%+ of the vets are either banned or quit. server becoming cash-grab single pking more dead than ever. (most older players is what kept this active) gambling/staking only way to get big bank unless you want to pvm all day (high risking too ig). (cleaned btw) server is based off pvming but has worse rates than most servers and osrs (you kill more per hr with all the shit we have but im not calculating that. if you're new you're fucked regardless without bis gear) ryan had a mystery chest event for half off in donator store and about half-way in, he lowered the drop rate on them to shit without telling anyone. (whether he increased them back after or not, not sure) fun 2 yrs and while i was playing tho. might stay on forums to see how it goes however. these forums one of the best i've been on
  5. Z75

    Rude staff member

    tevin is nicest except 1 reason and staff cant believe every "my brother did ..." because its legit the most common excuse
  6. Z75

    More loot per pk kill

    dont agree with u because it'll help pking out making money just as much as pvm does. sure it adds more money but makes pking actually somewhat worth it
  7. Z75

    More loot per pk kill

    ya rip the eco cause the max loot you can get is 99m (risking 50 bm and on a high ks) or around 17? if no ks and 50 bm so 51m while you risk 150m. or the 7 bm average a kill for 21m that probably takes longer than to kill 5 green dragons for the same loot
  8. Z75

    2nd year on spawnpk

    still wrongfully banned but oh well
  9. Z75

    Ryanking Helper App

    no reason to look at rest of thread where 3 ppl post "omg yes support" and ryanking responds to each one individually in different posts. the context was headhunter asked casey to have her own opinions instead of saying "xxx said this and i support that as well" so headhunter being a nice person had questions to help add to this staff app to further see who ryanking is and you call him a retard for it.
  10. Z75

    New "smite" blood perk?!

    okay but make it for only actual smite and not soulsplit
  11. Z75

    Donation issues again

    idk if posting all the ids is a good idea. prob delete and pm staff instead
  12. Z75

    Comp cape

    The difference with him and you is that he actually pks while you're killing undead pkers all day. you joined a server called spawnpk and were surprised they had a reward based for pking. thats like me going to pvmingbeasts rsps and surprised theres no pking achievements
  13. Z75

    Anyone Else

    not sure how this would make the story make sense as it doesnt matter who donates for an account. and if you donated and gave him a 20$ bond they had no idea that he gave u 20$ in the first place. its just seen as giving someone anything else and why did he send u 20$ pp if he has a paypal and spk takes paypal
  14. Z75

    Ryanking Helper App

    you must be retarded to not understand what he meant. 1. What do you say if people start attacking (verbally or physically) a police officer who shot / killed a white / black person. 2. Do you know the stories are true that are being spread around. Either the police officer's or witnesses. 3. Do you know if the black / white man actually wanted to harm the police officer with a knife? 4. Do you know if the police officer didn't want to shoot the black / white man? do you need a 5 paragraph essay to understand simple shit?
  15. Z75

    staffs read this

    #free z75
  16. Z75

    plankermen oag 1-0`??!??! pipedown pussy

    "rewards from oag will be unblocked in 20 secs" means it wasnt nhing so it doesnt matter
  17. Z75

    Comp cape

    probably add an afk timer (30 mins?) so u can see what the playerbase actually is and how much that is in the wild. make pking more profitable for kills even if the ppl dont risk. 7 bm for risking 0 is like 21m? you can make more than that pvming if the fight is a dm. maybe a bonus bm reward for how high the hit was on the player when they died / how long the fight was. and take account the risk someone has while fighting at edge instead of taking 50 bm to be included for an extra reward (take in account protect item for the +1 so cant take protect item off and be "risking it") no idea how to stop abusing by letting ppl kill them with high specs / fight with 26 brews 2 restore then let someone die. have special events every ~1 hr where if you do something with xxx stuff, you get bonus stuff (bm, actual loot). A server based around pking and initials "dt" does this and it seems to have a lot of ppl do it for the rewards. maybe add your own custom sets for ::event that they have to pk in. and if you unequip any of the gear, it takes it all off. make it so someone has to die so no teleporting/running away so ppl dont waste time and someone gets loot ex: f2p pking, range tanks and dbow spec, etc thats all i can think about for pking atm for pvming not really sure how to fix it besides lowering drop-rates but maybe someone more concerned about pvm can answer this for gambling add a tax so theres gp going out of the game. how you wanna tax items maybe add a coffer where u put in gp. as well for duel arena. ^ this would maybe have more people risk fight so they dont have to spend money to gamble or stake how difficult this is to code? idk. but its either try to fix a broken economy based around gambling or reset the eco
  18. Z75

    Comp cape

    pvm legit has worse rates than actual osrs. so if you want to be bored of pking, have fun pvming for literally 0 reason for a 6b drop that cant afford 3/4th of the items ingame. having a pvm comp cape is retarded on a pk server. you act like pking isnt already dead here. 3/4 the server is afk or pvming/gambling and maybe 1/4 of them are in the wild actually pking (in 0 risk gear with ags + 1) maybe we can change this to spawngamble since pking and pvming are both shit. maybe if you win 100 gambles u get a comp cape.
  19. Z75


    lmao rsps owners should be happy people rwt on their server because that means its becoming popular. obv its a bad thing but there is a good side to it. comparing someone an admin to the president is not comparable. an admin isnt the owner because he has someone above him, and the president has no one above him (meh) but there are things in place to stop corruption from the president, but nothing to stop the owner of the server besides doing illegal things. its like saying a fish is a dog because they both breathe.
  20. Z75

    Comp cape

    lets promote more pvm on our pking server! is a name change still 100b to change this to spawnpvm
  21. asked me for gp i told him no and says this lmao
  22. Z75

    buying achievements

    march 11th, 2016 btw. did you even try to check my join date?
  23. Z75

    buying achievements

    new to the server and expect ppl to trust you with 500b+ to "buy" an achievement
  24. Z75

    New Nhers?

    nhing comes down to gear to a certain point and the rest is skill / rng (sometimes). if you're a trash nher, good nhers will beat you in less gear. see @Ratatat14 @Phenomenon@gf 1v24 @headhunter are just a few ppl who will. mostly only good nhers will continue to nh so ur not getting ppl on like osrs where they afk 1 month playtime on osrs and have a pk ready account to nh on to practice. spec does determine a lot of fights but honestly ive hit so many 0 specs might as well not bring 1, but when its hits its good. of course nhing is good for other nhers / pvmers because nhers lose space for gear switches while a msb / ags or some shit has more food (if they cant switch prayers well then this is useless) nh fights are slow at the start when everyone has full hp and inventory. when ppl are starting to get hit / rambo is when it speeds up. or they are also slow if every does barrage - crossbow x2 - barrage - crossbow x2 - barrage - crossbow - fakey mage gear - crossbow - barrage its boring for me to watch cuz i want to be nhing instead of watching. and i have a bad pov of the fight cause im trying to stay out of the way.