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Everything posted by Z75

  1. Z75

    Forum Activity

    1 winner so whoever has a head start has a post count lead that makes other people not even try to win. Or if they do want to try, they mass comment something on every single thread which is just as good as shitposting. only idea to make it fair is the top 10 posters or something get put on a poll and people vote for who wins for total of 3 people. make people able to vote only if have xx posts on the forums. all voters visible to see who is making new accs or some shit. will the most known players win? probably but thats how it works
  2. Z75

    wilderness command warnings

    lmao need warnings for the wild on a pking server.
  3. Z75

    New Acc Pid

    no reason to give anything on this server (and anywhere) dont give stuff out you dont mind losing
  4. Z75

    Forum Activity

    Okay. Is that just for one person or many? What determines the winner? Is staff going to check that each winner didn't shitpost for topics created / posts?
  5. Z75

    Forum Activity

    usually, a question mark indicates a question, not a word. but since you can't critically think about what i've said... Because people will make low-effort posts just to obtain the rewards. Kinda ruins the point to make the forums "active". It's not that hard to make bullshit sentences that would pass the "low-effort". for example: i love how u call me a keyboard warrior but then you are one yourself rofl. shit suggestion
  6. Z75

    Forum Activity

    never asked a question. and you ignoring my topic proves why this is a shit suggestion if you still dont know why, you can ask again
  7. Z75

    Forum Activity

    thats how u get shitposts for rewards
  8. Z75

    Forum Activity

    how to get posts like this
  9. Z75


    zgs for freezing. team pking. 27% less damage than ags on spec sgs for pvm. heals hp/prayer. 27% less damage than ags on spec bgs for pvm (osrs) and can be used as a cheaper ags (super restore counters the 2nd effect of lowering defence) . 16% less damage than ags on spec. ags for pking. 37.5% damage on spec. just because you want to use a different godsword for a different purpose doesn't mean you should complain that the spec it has "sucks".
  10. Z75

    A7 Rebuild

    ryan enjoys your $1k as well.
  11. Z75

    A7 Rebuild

    ill be following your 2 year rebuild to get 1t without staking or gambling. good luck
  12. Z75

    Dark bow nerf

    and those who thinks it needs a nerf, remember its one of the slowest weapons
  13. Z75

    Top 5 Ways To Make Money In SpawnPK

    you forgot #0. stake it all and get a lucky streak. if no lucky streak, restart from #5. doing this will make you richer than repeating 5-1 even for 100+ hrs
  14. Z75

    Downloadable Item Codes?

    they probably just use it from http://www.itemdb.biz/
  15. Z75

    Faker101 applying for helper

    I understand. Helping new players does help them enjoy the game. But they know 0% of the server so of course the person that helps them will be seen as "omg he will be best staff" Nothing wrong but you need players older than 3 days playtime supporting as well.
  16. Z75


  17. when the server is based around gambling, you're always going to have one person who will have money to do whatever they want. the 100b price will just mean fewer people will do it very often, but will be basically impossible to afford unless you gamble, which again makes this server spawngamble instead of spawnpk
  18. Z75

    Faker101 applying for helper

    damn another person only getting mostly 1 posts support. while all of OP's posts are all obtained from making his staff apps lmao
  19. Z75

    Ive been ban

    prank btw no one bought it so i want unban to try it again
  20. Z75

    Wilderness suggestions #1

    in singles sure keep it away. in multi its a lot harder unless you're teamed with other ppl. if you're solo (2 ppl) its harder than with a team. you cant check whether someone only multilogs in singles or multi so cant really enforce for only multi if you're solo. source: done it before before half the staff we have was here and add a year on it. that was doing simple shit too and still was hard.
  21. Z75

    Bounty System

    But i'm in deep wild and want to get targets pvming for easier emblem upgrades. This would stop that. nty
  22. Z75


    u value 1 hr of your life for 1800m rsps gold rofl.
  23. Vote rewards are still trash for people to be bothered besides the 50 votes for comp cape if they care about it.
  24. Z75

    Corp Safespot Guide

    damn you get to safespot the boss for 50 consecutive hours instead of eating through kills.
  25. Z75


    Except when you get banned for things not on the rules, you know.