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10 Good

About borlad

  • Rank


  • Interests
    You, Yourself And I


  • Occupation
    Making Peace
  1. borlad

    Micro Shade4's Helper Application

    Support, We need more active staff members
  2. ign: borlad right after getting accepted as a youtuber I try to log in a few hours later and I'm getting "could no complete login attempt, Please try a different world" message
  3. I have tried everything on my side its a server bug I get the same msg on complete different pcs and it lets me log into other accounts just not borlad
  4. So glad to see an update after so long without any forum activity from Ryan, I was honestly starting to think he legit died or something
  5. borlad

    Sick edit - 500 gorrilas loot and the ride!!

    why you talking shit man, I've never even owned an alien pet lmfao
  6. Next video Poll http://www.strawpoll.me/12570801
  7. borlad

    My Last Spawnpk Vid

    This will be my last video untill new content is released, yes giveaway will still be happening Reason for quitting: Cleaned, Still recruit rank in divine dice smh, no grind worthy content or things to make videos on
  8. borlad

    50b Giveaway!!

    Go Here To Enter: https://gleam.io/C1i23/spawnpk-50b-giveaway
  9. 1. I think we should add dungiouneering for torva, but make it very expensive and dung tokens un tradable, this way it gives people a reason to really grind out spawnpk, at the moment it just seems like pk and boss all day. I feel like people cant show off there hard work because its all tradable, and it makes people not want to continue playing/grinding. 2. Please fix the rune pouch it still doesn't work 3. Add some bosses that actually require high tier Armour to kill, at the moment pray stops everything and the only boss you have to switch pray is zulrah. and because of its kill time and low drop rate, there is not much reason to kill it 4. Add an un tradable Currency (like emblems) for pking that buys high tier un tradable pking gear, like void elite ect. 5. Dungiouneering for extra prayers would be hype 6. Having 2000+ kills (example) will give you access to a bossing area with (obviously) less players. more kills = new areas 7. A boss kill Count and bossing tokens, considering not everyone is super lucky This is all that came to mind at the time, but I'm sure I will have more to come, hope you guys consider it.