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Everything posted by Flako

  1. (copied from "Help", wasn't aware there is a bug abuse thread) Hi SPK Staff, I was afk'ing at rogue bandits and died some time between 5:30-6:45AM PST. I was not skulled, nor did I click anything at all between when I started afking and when I died. I lost my skotizo bow and my grand ring, assumingly because of a rumored skull trick glitch that others have just complained about around 6:45-7AM PST. Others are currently discussing it at the time of writing this (around 7AM PST), where they are mentioning that others have complained about it.  Please please please look into any logs you can that might help show that I did not click anything between afk start and death. I was not at my PC and was not skulled. Those two items were about 80% of my bank, and I really dont know if I'd want to play anymore if items lost to bug abuse are non-refundable. I'm more than willing to answer any questions or pull anything up on my end if possible. Update: PVP log said I'd died to "L0O0O00O0O0L", assumingly a burner/alt account. IGN: Flako
  2. edit: Submitted in bug abuse thread as well, unsure whether it is more appropriate here or there. Hi SPK Staff, I was afk'ing at rogue bandits and died some time between 5:30-6:45AM PST. I was not skulled, nor did I click anything at all between when I started afking and when I died. I lost my skotizo bow and my grand ring, assumingly because of a rumored skull trick glitch that others have just complained about around 6:45-7AM PST. Others are currently discussing it, such as (IGNs) "Camp Wildy" and "Nike TNS", where they are mentioning that others have complained about it about a week ago, so it seems like the glitch is still alive. Please please please look into any logs you can that might help show that I did not click anything between afk start and death. I was not at my PC and was not skulled. Those two items are about 80% of my bank, and I really dont know if I'd want to play anymore assuming they took a good while to save up for. I'm more than willing to answer and questions or pull anything up on my end if possible. IGN: Flako
  3. Flako

    Skull Trick Glitched; Completely AFK, No Clicks

    Looked at PVP tracker, says the only person that attacked me was "L0O0O00O0O0L", an alt I assume.