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hippityhoppity last won the day on January 27

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About hippityhoppity

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  1. hippityhoppity

    Doxing/Ddosing rule

    Having a discussion about how ssome rules are enforced heavily and some aren't. this isn't about 'safety' its about favouritism lol changed my mind. servers ass
  2. hippityhoppity

    Doxing/Ddosing rule

    People say silly shit at the heat of the moment which is why im banned. Why is doxing different from racial slurs/homophobic slurs and other shit? If the argument is "It's the internet" Shouldn't that apply here lolI'm just tryna play the game with 0 ill intent and i keep getting appeal denied even though there was no ill intent behind anything i said. It was false information about movie characters using names and addresses. Surely there's worse things than ddosing and doxing and they just get waved on by most of the time.
  3. hippityhoppity


    For one this isn't an appeal. This is a rant in spam. Stop nutriding you won't become staff.
  4. hippityhoppity


    I swear you need to be in admins pockets or on their meat to get unbanned. I've only seen people who are in clans of staff members get unbanned even though they break the most horrendous rules. This is just strange and probably a reason this isn't one of the most active rsps. Could definitely be if people got unbanned