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Blubber last won the day on June 13 2021

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3 Neutral

About Blubber

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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  1. Blubber

    Kharazi Suggestions

    Good suggestion imo!
  2. Blubber

    ingame rewards. new donator perks

    Just a friendly reminder. This is Spawnpk, Not GTA
  3. Blubber

    Cursed LMS!

    I like the idea but idk about 1/100, there's almost no time spent in lms right now. Im sure there would be more if something like this would come but 1/100 is still a lot imo. I do like the idea tho!
  4. Blubber


    I need to go out and get some air after reading that lol.
  5. Blubber

    Blubber's hunter guide.

    Welcome to my Hunter guide. 1. To start out at level 1 you will have to go to the killing area shown here: https://prnt.sc/soa3eg. 2. Spawn in 5 Bird snares by following this picture: http://prntscr.com/soa7gk. 3. Teleport to the 1st option using the Hunter expert: http://prntscr.com/soa8o7. Catch there until you are level 19. Click on the dead Bird snare when you see a bird on it and redeploy when you get it in your inventory to set the trap again. 4. From level 19 all the way up to level 63 you are gonna use the second option in the Hunter expert teleport options, You also use bird snares at this location: https://prnt.sc/soaako Tips when using box traps! (important) The Boxes is not going to change form when you catch or fail to cath a chincompa, That's why you have to right click the boxes pretty frequently to make sure you are getting the best XP. When you can click on a box to get XP and chinchompas it will look like this: https://prnt.sc/soahc5. And when you have to redeploy the Box it will look like this: https://prnt.sc/soahh1. When the box says "dismantle" only, You have to click on it and put another one down, This means the chinchompa got away. 5. From level 63 to level 83 you are gonna go to the red chinchompas, and now you need to spawn in 5 Box traps: http://prntscr.com/soad2c Place down ur boxes like this: http://prntscr.com/soaecy. Remember, you won't be able to put down 5 boxes when you first get here but you will later on. Almost there! 6. From level 83 you can use the last and best Exp location, Black chinchompas. Beware that these are located in the wilderness and you WILL lose your items if you die, So don't bring any valuables!: http://prntscr.com/soagwv. Place the boxes just like you did at the red chinchompas. TIPS: Use a Genie pet for X2 XP or use double XP lamps. Do not bring risk when you are doing black chinchompas, If you happen to get pked you can just tp back without any problems either way. Thank you for checking this guide out! I couldn't find any Hunter guide on the forums so figured id make one! hope it helps. Kind regards M
  6. Blubber

    Blubber's Helper/Support application.

    Edit: I don't know what happened with the texts after "why should I receive helper status" section but I hope it's all good!
  7. Desired staff position: Helper/Support Your name (first name would suffice): Martin Your age: 22 Years old Your timezone: UTC+2 Average amount of gameplay hours per day: 7-10 Hours (Probably more on weekends) Why should I recieve helper status? I have been in the Runescape/Rsps scene for well over 10 years. I played alot of different Rsps's and learned alot from each one of them. I've been very active in the yell and in the Helper CC to make sure people know that they can private message me if they need any help or tips. I love the feeling of knowing i helped someone that needed help, It really brings me joy. Staff experience: Been helper on 2 different popular servers. (no names due to advertising) What do I get out of this? It's really simple, I get to help the people on the server I love. I know people mostly rely on helper+ ranks when they need to ask something serious so hopefully, it's gonna bring some weight to me from the other mods that have to deal with stuff daily. What do I need to work on? I really need to work on being more active and post more on forums. I've never been a forums type of guy but I'm working on it! Learn from other players as well, I've been in the rs/rsps scene for over 10+ years but there are always new things to learn. Rs3/Rs07/Rsps Experience: I am Maxed on Rs3 and almost base 70 in all stats on 07 which means I have a lot of experience with Runescape overall. Thank you for reading this application! Feel free to message me in-game, here, or on Discord for any questions! Kind regards M