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Sah Dewd

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Everything posted by Sah Dewd

  1. if anyone has a guide or can walk me through setting up the client on my mac thatd be great. Thanks
  2. Sah Dewd

    Lost PIN

    Hello, i need some help recovering my forgotten pin account name - Sah Dewd
  3. Sah Dewd

    Mac OS X Client help?

    Does anyone have any idea how to run the client on a mac? I've downloaded it countless times, i finally got to the point where it opens to the start up client page that shows "Play Now", "Repair Client", and "forums". But when i click, "play now" it closes the client. any tips?
  4. Sah Dewd

    TOB/COX Community Discord

    I know its a bit of an issue for everyone new or even experienced to find a team to grind to masters/grandmasters to find a group. So for ease of access we have a community discord anyone can join to group up or make raiding friends. Feel free to join whenever, ask questions, hang out, and grind out some raids! Pm us in game or on the disc if you have any questions. Were active every day, most hours of the day. Happy Raiding dewds https://discord.gg/UEvJ7f