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Everything posted by Purdue2

  1. What about the "Purdue" update? Where I get unbanned?
  2. Hey guys it your boy "Purdue" I liked Bsouth's application, so I copied his format Desired staff position: Helper Name: Purdue Age: 35 Timezone: BST +5 Average amount of gameplay hours per day: Usually 10 hours , up to 16 on the weekend. Why I should receive this position: I feel like I could help out more than I am doing right now and make a positive difference that people will appreciate. About me: I was previously known as the "Somalian Prince", but I have recently changed my name to just "Purdue" .I have goals in life, but unfortunately I can not discuss them here. I'm very active in Nyan Squad, feel to message me and we will have a chat. Clans : Clans are the life and blood of the sever. I have been in the best! I think I would be an excellent addition to the staff team having ran the wild with multiple clans over the past few years. Namely Infinityz, Elementals, TM Devil and more recently the dream team. I also think I would an epic fourm mod having written some of the most popular threads on the discussion page. - Although the forums are lacking activity. I hope to change this if I become helper. I was once the most active PKER in the wildy, even the pvmers knew me. Although they often proved too powerful for me. I am also known for Nhing with soulsplit which often doesn't go in my favour. I think I would be a great addition to the staff team. I look forward to seeing the responses. Thanks to Clawzk0 for his very helpful advice on becoming a staff member.- I'm not sure if you're still playing?
  3. Purdue2

    DOOMSDAY CC - Singles/Multi lead by NotUrAvgNoob

    Love the clan
  4. Purdue2


    Welcome to staff application
  5. Purdue2

    2 Girls 4 Me Introduction

    I'd say neither of them would travel wet ground well and they wouldn't get rode even if they had pedals.
  6. Purdue2

    Lockdown Victim Unit #Elementals

    Lockdown, you mean lockedup? Jailbird.
  7. Purdue2


    No but I think they are planning to keep Christmas event all year.
  8. Purdue2

    Buying 500$ helicopter

    I'm crying laughing reading this lol
  9. Purdue2

    Vendumbasses Multi CC!

    Oh my good lord. What is going on with these guys? Egypyyyypians?
  10. Purdue2

    Purdue's Staff Application

    Hi guys, I have recently returned. I am looking forward to getting unbanned and becoming a helper.
  11. Purdue2

    SPK Legacy Thread

    This is the legacy thread where people tell stories of players who are no longer with us. I'll start off my recollection of the mighty "Purdue" Purdue is perhaps the greatest player to have ever played SPK. Unfortunately due to his actions he was banned. Several of these actions resulted in him creating a great name for himself as being the "coolest" but most annoying player on the server. His actions are greatly summed up by our "Community Manager". Purdue's return has to now be demanded by the community, we need to lobby on his behalf!
  12. Purdue2

    G3t Dropp3d Helper App

    Neutral for the moment - Certainly has potential!
  13. Purdue2

    The Kingdom is yours

    The Kingdom is yours now that "Prince Purdue" has left. Reincarnation will occur. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
  14. Purdue2

    DOOMSDAY CC - Singles/Multi lead by NotUrAvgNoob

    Clan is going welll.
  15. Purdue2

    Farewell Noobs

    You ban me as your final action ? How deeply upsetting.
  16. Purdue2

    Are all staff this mean?

    I would hope not. "https://ibb.co/Jd8nx8L"
  17. @Ryan Is the dragon scim nerf for normal dragon scim and dragon scim (or) ?
  18. Purdue2

    Why have numbers declined?

    As per title. SPK is no longer a pking server, right now there is 258 players online and 53 players in a PVP environment. What's gone wrong? I think its because Tevin muted me again last week for an unknown reason, this has resulted in people not coming into the PVP environment to kill me. Deca cleaning people also cant have helped, should Deca be banned?
  19. Purdue2

    DOOMSDAY CC - Singles/Multi lead by NotUrAvgNoob

    Thanks for the invite guys.
  20. Purdue2


    Get a grip of yourself J. Only rich people are upset that vigour I can't be used towards the Elderblood ring. I completely agree with the risk protection measures, but I would want it as 3 separate levels. Low, Medium and High ( 5bil, 10+ and 15+ ) Any untradeable in your inv is automatically -2bil off your risk Therefore E gloves is -2bil , e boots -2 , Although Divine and doppel/shade/death pet would reduce 50bil from your risk. This requires a lot of thinking and not as simple as "Impatient" people like to make it out.
  21. Do we know who that very irate person on the stream is ? G3t Dropp3d? The clan "Locked Up" can not handle being trashed in the wildy in their expensive setups by others with minimal risk. Death pets should keep 3 items in order to let newer players have better items in wildy.
  22. Purdue2

    I tried to warn you

    Unlucky buddy. If I wasn't muted, I might have been able to warn you better.
  23. Purdue2

    DOOMSDAY CC - Singles/Multi lead by NotUrAvgNoob

    Bump, can I join already!