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Everything posted by Impatient

  1. Impatient


    Probably the best thread i've ever seen. Takes all of the ideas we've all been discussing recently and lays it out clearly so theres full transparity for the community to see. At the end of the day spawnpk is a pking server. Pking should be the best money maker in the game, and at the moment its just everyone trying to find the most overpowered setup they can have while not risking any gp whatsoever. Just my thoughts and I know its a frustration felt by many, ofcourse the people who abuse the death pet/shade genie current meta are going to be unhappy but realistcally theres no reason why you should be able to pk with sang staff e + abby dagger i + divine and risk 500m to repair your cursed void.
  2. Impatient

    [April 3rd, 2020] Easter Event 2020

    JK love you this is a sick update thanks for the hard work.
  3. Impatient

    Death Pet and Shade

    Yeah discussed on stream with a few people, I support this fully something needs to be done about death pets its really just not fun for anybody especially with this smite cap being so low. +1
  4. Impatient

    Death pet suggestion

    10000000% support +1 death pet effects in general need a complete overhaul especially with a 50 prayer smite cap now, its so hard to get smited even with a setup that costs 5T+
  5. Impatient

    (New Management) Youtuber Rank Requirements And Benefits

    1. Link to your channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfslxFYvvIdbHbhji_8yWEQ 2. Your name (first name would suffice): Dylan 3. Your age: 20 4. Your location: California 5. Average amount of gameplay hours per day: Lol like 8-10 hours I have 0 life. 6. Why you should receive the position: Well I'm pretty cute and i livestream a lot people seem to like the videos, got a couple 12 hour streams (no life). https://prnt.sc/rhfts8.png (from stream today)
  6. Impatient

    Impatient PK Vid #3 *Giveaway*

    Figured out how to make it not look aids, enjoy.
  7. Impatient

    Impatient PK Vid #2 *Scythe Giveaway*

    Ignore how pixelated it is again lol something about posting it to forums is weird, enjoy!
  8. Impatient

    Impatient PK Vid #1 3T+ PKED

    Hope you guys enjoy. Not sure why the thumbnail is so pixelated here.
  9. Actually funny, cursed voids been nerfed like 30 times idiot it wasnt op and now its just dogshit. Stop being a crybaby you pk in the most prod shit ever you have no clue how to pk
  10. Ok so the most obvious fix to the problem is make the void helmet and gloves untradeable... Cursed void top and bottom has been nerfed so many times its not even close to a problem in the game right now. If you want it to be used for what its “intended” for make the helmet and gloves untradeable.