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Everything posted by Xersius

  1. Xersius

    Hacked - Please Help

    Hey, I am messaging about my account Xersius, I tried to log on a few days ago and it said incorrect password. I had just logged in previously hours beforehand and everything was fine, all my items were there.. then a few hours later after taking a nap I tried logging in and my password was incorrect, it has been changed. I assume I have been hacked for I spoke with Goobymunch about the matter and he checked and claims some of my more valueable items including a scythe, twisted bow, fused, ect were missing that and he said he submitted a ticket for my account Xersius. I am so bummed right now for I just donated $150USD and now i'm out the ingame items and my account and all my progress, this is my favorite private server, please help me so i can begin playing again! I am not sure how to follow-up about my ticket and have attempted to speak with a few ::staff members. I know my first and only password that I had on the account, I have a receipt for the $150USD donation, and luckily found a picture of me ingame that i had sent to my brother on my cell phone if any of that would be helpful for the process!