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punches alt

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Posts posted by punches alt

  1. So in the past there was a dragon upg scroll release and I was a fan of it until I come into multi and singles and get dscim then dds in good tank gear. This is not balanced and should be fixed because if d scim (or) is more than 5  seconds of prayer down then you will die in less than 2 seconds. 

    I will be honest im not a fan of the dragon upg scroll because it just means rich people with no skill and kill anyone which is dumb, I think that it should be refunded or reworked to the point where you shouldn't get speced a 70 by someone in range gear. So im saying the scroll needs to get refunded and the dragon weapon accuracy needs to be buffed or the scroll needs to be nerfed aswell as the dragon scim (or) spec.

    Now cursed void im not gonna make this long but I think that the defense should be nerfed down to 40%.


  2. For a start I have no rule breaking history as far as I have been on spk

    I Speak good English

    To show I've been here for a while 





    My name is Daniel or Dan and I am 16 years of age and about to be 17, I'm from the U.S. Central time. I'm employed at a grocery store and still in school. I have been playing SPK since 2015 and have been loving it, I feel like SPK is my home base server to play and really love the content. I am a fun person to have around and like to joke with lots of people, as some in-game would say I am a flamer, let me just say I sometimes flame but I don't flame hard as a lot of staff do it and players to. I love to grind SPK and love the communities positivity and banter. 

    Activity around SPK

    As I said i have been playing for 4 years and been loving SPK, so if I am not pking then I am pvming and helping out new players by giving them starter items or help to start making money and begin their adventure on spk. As most players know I do giveaways everyday so I can stay dedicated to give back to the community. I usually am not in help cc so I am never aware if someone needs help, but most people pm me or yell ingame for help so I give them my full attention and help. 

    Reason why I want this rank

    I really want helper rank is so I can help others with staff issues; like if they need their bank pin or if they got scammed, etc. I feel like if I get the position I will be held accountable of doing my job as a staff on spk. 


    I am currently working on not flaming back after clan war banter and feeding myself into being a bad person. 



    • Thanks 1

  3. So as osrs has added tradable tier emblems such as t10, I was wondering if we could make all tier emblems tradable and sellable. Im asking for this is because this wouldn't crash the eco it will make it better.

    Now getting into item kept pets such as death pet/ shade genie/ void alien, etc. I was wondering if we could make these pets a percentage pet as they will have a chance to keep a extra item and for the shade genie a 3rd item. This will make it so that 600b risk with a shade genie is 0 to the person who gets the kill, I feel like if this change is added in it will be more beneficial to the player who did all the work to get the kill.

    bounty teles: I was wondering if we could add in a toggle system for the bounty teles to toggle if you want the multi setting or not because its a tragedy if you missclick to turn off the multi setting on the teleport tab on accident. I was wondering if we could take out rev caves from the bounty teles because its really annoying that you cant tele to them because of magic sickness.

  4. So to start this suggestion I want to say that we should add in a new staff rank called event manager that will get the right to host all events around the server such as server wide drop parties, hp events, hns, world boss mass spawn, etc. 

    WORLD BOSS MASS SPAWN- This is like a spawn of all good bosses wild good drop rate in a safe zone area in which all players can come kill for like 10 minutes. (another server has this)

    Now I want to get into wildy area fixes:

    First area is king black dragon gate and ladder- so I am asking if we can get that gate added in and if we can get the up and down ladder spawn correct. So for example, on osrs when u go down the ladder u spawn right in front of the ladder and when you go up you spawn on the left middle side of the ladder and have to run in front to go down. I am mainly suggesting that we make it so the ladder can only be used on 1 side of the ladder.

    NOW for the second area is around rev caves and hobgoblin minning spot- In this area I am suggesting that we add in the hobbs with the same spawn rate as kbd spiders with a total spawn on 8 goblins 4 on each side. With this being said we need to fix the multi lines of this area because it shouldn't be multi anywhere in that area.


    So im asking to remove wildy sickness from the rev cave when you go in because this is a easy escape for pvmers vs pkers(totally optional). For wildy gwd cave If I would ask for you guys to look at the osrs gwd wildy cave and add it to the server and fix the multi lines next to it to singles.

    @Ramzi @Ryan @Phenomenon 

  5. So as I was playing spk and testing these bolts it seems that people will not get smited due to restore flask and no cap of flask u can have in the wild. The only way u can have a good chance of smiting is in multi wit team or have a holy pet. For most people u need fat stacks of money to smite when you should only need the bolts in decent range gear to smite in 10-15 hits.

    So me stating this is saying instead of 5% it could be 10 or 15% if u tested it that way, and you could put the 5% on the regular sapphire bolts.
