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About 420sad

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  1. 420sad

    The Staff Team

    Yeah I've never seen a server get so big with such a poor staff community. I constantly think about how much potential this server has and how massive it would be with a real staff team. There's almost never anyone on helping people at all (0 staff for 300 players) and when they are they stay on private and will say shit like "i'm not helping people right now I'm just afk pvming/merching"... OKAY DONT BE STAFF THAN IF YOU ONLY WANT TO PLAY THE GAME AND NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT STAFF THINGS REEEEEEEE
  2. 420sad

    Daily Tasks and Weekly Reward Suggestions

    Would LOVE bigger weekly rewards and medium/hard task that feel worth doing +1
  3. Thanks for taking the time to elaborate on my suggestion and really flesh out a post! Having just come back recently I didn't know the set already went through several nerfs. I understand the communities dislike for un-tradables as it can be frustrating for a new player. But being one of those new players and finally saving up enough for your own to realize youre 85b investment is useless without another few 100b to spare for smite pets and items etc. is possibly even more frustrating! Perhaps if it does get a buff on death you drop the full repair cost when you die making it feel worth attacking someone in untradables without gutting them. I love all you suggestions though!
  4. 420sad

    Cursed Obsidian Buff

    Rejoined after a several year break and cursed obsidian caught my eye right away. Looks awesome and saw some high riskers wearing it putting in work. Saved up bought two cursed relics (all of my bank) Only to find out the legs nearly have the same stats as 50-100m bandos tassets. Also I got to find out on my own repairs are 250m a piece. A few deaths with cursed obby and you're down several Billions. From what I noticed the smite effect barely exist and doesn't put you anywhere being able to smite more often. I'm not sure what the solution is but I think it reaaalllly could use a buff. Either get rid of the repair costs or buff its stats. Going from 90b to 0gp for op seeming gear that's barely better than a 3b set up and still cost 250-750m to repair on death was a HUGE bummer. If I had a Trill (and knew about cursed obsidian ahead of time) I still don't think I would invest. Interested to see if anyone agree or if y'all gonna be angry I even suggested it haha. P.S. My Comma key is dead on my keyboard. Sorry.