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hmong dds

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About hmong dds

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  1. hmong dds


    Ign hmong dds gl guys and thanks for the giveaway, makes forum a lil active
  2. hmong dds


    So, I have a couple of suggestions for the game. 1. Blood Serp should be in the blood slayer shop. Making blood serps untradeable. Boosting the stats higher in defence and giving a 10% more blood money drop in pvp. I feel like Blood Serp is a waste of item in the game right now. 2. Adding a Pak Yak pet. The Pak Yak pet can only be used in wilderness meaning, being able to carry extra potions/food into the wilderness. This allows pkers/pvmers to stay out the wild a little long than expected. It should add extra defense bonus like at least 10-15% or chance of restoring health for kills. 3. Set a timer for returning into the wilderness after death like 15-30 secs or so. Must be 20+ Wildy. This make players not allowed to return after tbing a player and coming back very fast after death. 4. Recruiting more staff into the game. The staff on the game is barely on to help players in need. This is a problem in game because the server doesn't have staff on every gmt. 5. Youtuber rank should only be giving to players making videos constantly. People who stopped making content should be able to get their ranks taken away due to lack of videos. 6. Make a Boss Room, Randomly adding bosses into a room where teams can fight the bosses. Kind of like "Raids" but a different variety of bosses in game. Raids gets boring and this game needs more team bossing. 7. The raid pets are useless tbh. I want to see the raid pets have extra drop rate bonus in raids to make it actually worth something in game. 8. Should be able to fuse any pet at a 5% chance at the chest. This removes plenty of pets in game and rising the pets prices.
  3. hmong dds


    Sorry wrong place
  4. hmong dds

    New video with 20b cash giveaway

    like sub comment
  5. hmong dds

    Korasi + Spec Pet Giveaway!

    Like Sub And comment
  6. hmong dds

    New Video with Giveaway

  7. hmong dds

    Next big update suggestion?

    So for the next "Big update," I was thinking of a loot tracker. A loot tracker that shows your previous drops/kills. This would be great for youtube content.
  8. hmong dds

    Borrow items?

    I remember Runescape used to have a borrowing item thing. The player could barrow the item but can't take it to use for PVP purposes. The borrow selection is on the same as the trading screen. Either you loan it for a fee, or loan it to a friend for amount of time. This avoid people from getting scammed. Just a suggestion. Never seen it on a rsps before.
  9. hmong dds

    Hotzone event for clans ?

    Why not make a "hotzone event" for clans? For example hotzone at "barrelchest in wildy." It would last 30-1 hour long. Kind of like a "Hardpoint on call of duty." The clan that holds that spot and gets kills should get points and at the end of the month, the clan with the highest points win in-game prizes? It should be in singles+multi, it would attract more clans out into the wildy and bring more competition. Singles should be +5 points per kill and multi +1. U get the idea, this would be fun for clans to participate.
  10. hmong dds

    TKO gets slapped

    When he continues to call you the "n" word after one fight because u won't rematch and talks about you in real life. I see nothing wrong with a comeback at him with a "proof kill picture." He still flames me btw.
  11. hmong dds

    TKO gets slapped

    https://gyazo.com/769fe83b7149bbbf7aadd778de0e50e6 LOL Tko gets smacked by spawn gear while he is in max. New Trend? "TKO gets smacked by spawn gear." he will go nuts.