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IGN last won the day on April 26 2023

IGN had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

39 Excellent

About IGN

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday January 5

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  1. IGN

    Kellatha's Staff Application

    I don't play anymore but logged on forums to +1. We have had our disagreements but generally you are very helpful and know the game like the back of your hand. I haven't played for a while but when I did you helped the noobies over yell and cc. Obviously you were staff in the past and from what I've heard you made bad decisions at the end but everyone can learn from them and move forward. I have faith you can kick the staff team into shape to be half decent to what it is currently. P.s, create some quality mythic & Pvm content and I might make a swift return. Best of luck, IGN.
  2. Lack luster update, just the same concept as usual PvM bait for pking. Mythic zone is definitely not worth the 5k even after this rework. Still waiting for that big update to make me have that motivation to play.
  3. IGN


    Kellatha strikes again! Nice work
  4. IGN


    Holy shit, nice thought-out suggestion post! I like the above solution, it creates a double edge sword effect which in one hand could pay off and the other if you are not careful would make you loose a valuable item. Edge Pking: Maybe make it so cursed orb auto-skulls you to prevent prod tektonic + divines from abusing cursed bounty hunter. My suggestion to overcome Shade/Death pet is a rework as follows: Death Pet (other variants) - Imo death pet isn't a problem because it only allows you to keep +1 item and has no other additional effects, keeping 1 item in fair enough but you shouldn't be able to drop it last min to save your item and should be used for the full duration of the fight for the effect to work. Shade Genie - Always protect 1 item on death even when skulled & smited + allows you to keep another item ONLY if you are NOT smited. Same as above, you shouldn't be able to drop it last min to save your item and should be used for the full duration of the fight for the effect to work. Issues I can see right off the bat below. Nefting Shade/Death pet would also in-directly impact on certain items such as Amulet Of Avarice (I), Noc Yoshi, Void Alien, Skot Scep which is used for skotizo farming and it is so easy for a 5 man ele mace/malv axe to potentially smite you for a 10-15t amulet, I do agree there needs to be a fine balance but if this is balanced wrongly it will make items crash significantly and potentially cause dead content/items. This could also cause a community uproar for example back when the Yoshi was required to use blood money (imo this was a good change) and it got reverted back because of the community.
  5. IGN

    Blood rev/Superior blood revenant pet

    +1! This will also make people choose between a Yoshi which auto-banks loot or if they would rather have a better chance at spawning a sup rev.
  6. IGN

    Cba Losing helper application

    Very toxic on yell, had run ins with him personally, as mentioned above his English isn't very good. -1 from me.
  7. Thank you mate! I appreciate your support ❤️
  8. IGN

    Forums Name Change

  9. IGN


    What was this post meant to be?
  10. IGN

    Forums Name Change

    Hi, I recently got a name change to IGN, could this be changed on forum's?
  11. Thank you for your feedback although I do disagree with the statements you have made, please see below🙂 Just because you don't see me helping doesn't mean it's not happening (staff team can also check logs for this if they wanted concrete evidence). I do disagree that you are saying I'm not well known in the community for helping because 35-40% of the SPK community are in survive clan which know who I am and help them on a daily basis (Not counting players outside of the clan that I help). However, I do appreciate your opinion! Thank you once again.