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Everything posted by Bsouth

  1. Bsouth


    Topic closed.
  2. Bsouth

    lost my PASS - loeloe pk1

    Player has been assisted. Topic closed
  3. Bsouth

    Banned on main and alt

    Hi there! Please follow this guide as you're in the wrong section for appealing your ban. Kind regards, Bsouth
  4. Bsouth


    Hello there! I hope you've already received assistance with your issue, considering the date of your initial post. If not, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps) or send a private message to a staff member in-game from a new account. Kind regards, Bsouth
  5. Bsouth

    cant logg into my account

    Hello there! I hope you've already received assistance with your issue, considering the date of your initial post. If not, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps) or send a private message to a staff member in-game from a new account. Kind regards, Bsouth
  6. Bsouth

    forgot password

    Hello there! I hope you've already received assistance with your issue, considering the date of your initial post. If not, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps) or send a private message to a staff member in-game. Kind regards, Bsouth
  7. Bsouth

    Lost my PASSWORD - JLG

    Hello there! I hope you've already received assistance with your issue, considering the date of your initial post. If not, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps) or send a private message to a staff member in-game. Kind regards, Bsouth
  8. Bsouth

    Forgotten pin

    Hello there! I hope you've already received assistance with your issue, considering the date of your initial post. If not, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps) or send a private message to a staff member in-game. Kind regards, Bsouth
  9. Bsouth

    Forgotten Pin

    Hi there! I assume you've been assisted already with a pin reset ticket consider the date you made this topic. However if that's not the case, feel free to pm me on discord, bsouth#3359 (no caps) or pm a staff member ING. Kind regards, Bsouth
  10. Bsouth

    forgotten my pin

    Hi there! If you're having an issue with your discord and forgotten your pin ING, please contact me or any other staff member in-game through PMs. Kind regards, Bsouth
  11. Basic commands ::update - Command that takes you to all the updates ::forums - Command that takes you to the forums page ::wiki - Opens up SpawnPK's Official Knowledgebase ::clearfriends - Deletes all of your friends (gives a warning first) ::item (Item number) (Item amount) - Use the item search option for quicker spawning (magnifying glass next to the emote tab) ::soaker - Spawning a super-soaker in your inventory (An item for the summer event 2020-07-01) ::stop - Used ONLY in the ‘’monster spawner’’ area, prevents monsters from auto-spawning ::prices - Takes you to a price guide (The prices are not updated and the market looks way different now) ::tpsitem (Item Name) - Takes you directly to the item on the trading post ::tpsuser (Player Name) - Takes you directly to the Players trading post ::shops - Teleports you to Blood, Donator, Vote & Coin shop ::scrolls - Shows all the scrolls you've unlocked (Hunleff/Nightmare/DuS/Etc.) ::staff - Shows current staff online/available ::appeal - Opens up the appeal page. This is the plage where you can appeal an offense, and see your appeals ::changepass (NewPasswordHere) - Changes your password to what you want ::empty - Deletes your whole inventory PERMANENTLY ::players - Shows the amount of players online and in wildy ::skip - Gives you the option to vote skip on the current pvp hotspot ::vote - Opens up the voting pages ::claimvp - Converts vote tickets into vote points ::discord - Opens up an invitation to SpawnPK's discord ::donate - Opens up the Donator store ::donated - Shows the amount you have donated ::claim/redeem - Checks if you have any items waiting for you from voting or donations ::claimpet - Picks up your pet, and stores it in your inventory::raids - Shows your total Champer of xeric completions on each difficulty ::duelkdr - Shows your current duels win lose ratio in-game ::kdr - Shows your current kill death ratio in-game ::kills - Shows a list of how many kills you have for every boss in the game (All npc’s are not counted as bosses/haven’t been added into the list yet) ::ks - Shows your current kill streak and your highest kill streak ever achieved in-game ::elo - Shows your elo rating ::mode - Shows if you’re a Pker Account or a trained account in-game ::dataon - Shows your fps value & coordinates position (::dataoff to turn off this feature) ::fps - Shows your current fps ::bots - Hides all Pker bots in edge ::gsdecor - Toggles on/off the cosmetic effect on the AGS/BSG special scrolls ::nurse - Restores your hitpoints, run energy & prayer. ::event - To view the status on all dynamic activities (Only works when an event is active) ::e - To view the status on all dynamic activities (Only works when an event is active) ::hween - To enable Hween mode (Re-enter the command ::hween again to toggle) ::snow - To enable Snow mode (Re-enter the command ::snow or ::xmas to toggle) ::xmas - To enable Snow mode (Re-enter the command ::xmas or ::snow to toggle) ::darkxmas - To enable A nightmare before Christmas mode ::darkwinter - To enable A nightmare before Christmas mode ::summer - To enable Summer mode (Re-enter the command ::summer again to toggle) ::tourney -Teleports you to Tournament host ::exit - To exit a Tournament or Hunger game (You can not ::exit Hunger games while you're in combat) ::untrack - To remove tracker overlays ::renderself - Command to hide your player view from your client (others can still see you, of course) ::multi - To toggle on/off Multi-zone overlays ::pets - Opens a guide for all pets and their perks ::perk - Opens an Donator benefits guide ::gear - Opens up a gear guide CTRL+L - To open your collection logs CTRL+L - To open your loot tracker CTRL+S - To prompt searching in the item spawn tab (will also switch to the tab) CTRL+S - While banking to prompt bank item search CTRL+D - While banking to deposit all items (Inventory, equipment, etc) CTRL+R - While banking to prompt bank item repairing ::loot - Can help you track loot from PvP & PvM ::weeklies or ::week - To access the weekly bonus tasks ::welfare or ::welf - To access the Welfare mode menu ::vb - To view the server's progress on the vote boss ::commands - Takes you to this guide Clan chat commands ::meet - Teleports you to a secluded area ONLY clan member can access ::afk - To inform your clan-mates and friends that you're aware from the game ::ccunban (player name) - Unbans a player who has been banned from your clan chat (without a rank) ::ccmute (name) - Mutes a member from your clan ::ccunmute (name) - Allows you to remove a mute from a clan member ::cctempmute (name) - Prompts a dialogue that allows you to temporarily mute a player from your clan. (The player will automatically be unmuted after the duration ends) ::ccban (player name) - Bans a clan member ::cctempban (name) - Prompts a dialogue that allows you to temporarily ban a player from your clan. (The player will automatically be unbanned after the duration ends but without a rank) ::ccranks - Shows a list of all clan members with a rank (ordered from greatest to least in superiority) ::ccbans - Shows a list of all usernames that are muted in the clan (shows time remaining if temp ban) ::ccmutes - Shows a list of all usernames that are muted in the clan (shows time remaining if temp mute) ::ccdemote [Name] - Command for clan chat owners to demote a clan member Combat commands ::skull - Skulls yourself ::redskull- Red Skulls yourself (you will lose all tradable items upon death with a few exceptions) ::unskull - Takes away your skull (MUST be a Donator ( $10-$49) to use this command, regular players have to wait 15 minutes for the skull to go away) ::explock - locks/unlock you from getting any exp ::pots - Spawnes flask for $50+ and vials for $0-$49 (x1 Super str, x1 super attack, x2 saradomin brews, x2 super restores) ::rest - Spawnes a super resore flask for $50+ and vials for $0-$49 ::brew - Spawnes a saradomin brew flask for $50+ and vials for $0-$49 ::refill - Refills potions in your inventory ::food - Fills empty inventory spaces with food (Manta ray $0-$9, rocktail $10+) ::veng - Switches your spell-book to lunar & Spawns 100m vengeance runes (Astra, Death, Earth) ::barrage - Switches your spell-book to ancients & Spawns 100m barrage runes (Blood, Death, Water) ::tb - Switches your spell-book to modern & Spawns 100m tb runes (Chaos, Death, Lava) ::entangle - Switches your spell-book to modern & Spawns 100m entangle runes (Earth, Nature, Water) ::prayer - Switches your prayer book ::ancients - Switches your spell-book to ancients ::lunar - Switches your spell-book to lunar ::modern - Switches your spell-book to modern ::pvptracker - Opens your pvp tracker options Donator commands ::dxfer - Donator rank transfer Prices ::dzone - Teleports you to Donator Zone ( $10-$49 & $50-$99) ::ezone - Teleports you to Elite Zone ($100-$499) ::vip - Teleports you to V.I.P Zone ( $500-$999 & $1000-$2499) ::sponsor - Teleports you to Sponsor Zone ($2500-$4999) ::mythic - Teleports you to Mythic Zone ( $5000+) ::cosmic- Teleports you to Cosmic Zone ( CTRL+T - To open up the trading post ( $5000+) ::bank - Allows you to bank anywhere in non-wilderness ($2500-$4999 & $5000+) (Link to official donator benefits guide) Teleporting commands ::home - Teleports you to Edgeville (CTRL+H - To prompt the command) ::help - Teleports you to Ogre enclave (A meeting point) ::train - Teleports you to Rock crabs ::skilling - Teleports you to Skilling zone ::poh - Teleports you to your house ::cw - Teleports you to Clan Wars ::camelot - Teleports you to Camelot ::dodgeball - Teleports you to Gnome Ball Field ::duel - Teleports you to the Duel arena where you can stake your items (Strictly Whip & Whip+DDS duels) ::Stake - Teleports you to the Duel arena where you can stake your items (A zone for all type of duels) ::lms - Teleports you to the Last Man Standing entrance portal ::gamble - Teleports you to Gamble zone where you can gamble your items ::pure - Teleports you to Pure zone ::edgepvp - Teleport you to edgePVP (for nhers/bridders) ::mb - Teleports you to Mage bank ::kbd - Teleports you outside close to King black dragon lair (wilderness) ::ca - Teleports you to Crazy archaeologist (wilderness) ::nm - Teleports you to The Nightmare/Terror boss (wilderness) ::nex - Teleports you to the Cave entrance for Nex lair (wilderness) ::hun - Teleports you to Hunllef ::hydra - Teleports you to Hydra ::elders - Teleports you to Elder chaos druids ::vet - Teleports you to Vet'ion/Wicked Vet'ion (wilderness) ::kk - Teleports you to Kraken/infernal kraken (wilderness) ::ven - Teleports you to Venenatis (wilderness) ::sco - Teleports you to Scorpia (wilderness) ::revs - Teleports you to the outside of Revenant cave (wilderness) ::ele - Teleports you to Chaos/Behemoth elemental (wilderness) ::bc - Teleports you to Barrelchest/Malevolent barrelchest (wilderness) ::dg - Teleports you to Demonic gorillas (wilderness) ::wyrm - Teleports you to Wildywyrm/Bloodwyrm (wilderness) ::ld - Teleports you to Lava dragons (wilderness) ::fd - Teleports you to Frost dragons (wilderness) ::wests - Teleports you to Brutal dragons level 12 wilderness (wilderness) ::gd - Teleports you to Brutal dragons (wilderness) ::easts - Teleports you to level 17 wilderness (wilderness) ::graves - Teleport you to Graveyard, level 19 wilderness (wilderness) ::chins - Teleports you to Black Chinchompas (wilderness) ::44s - Teleports you to level 44 wilderness (wilderness) ::ardy- Teleports you to east of Mage arena to level 51 wilderness (wilderness) ::rouges - Teleports you to Rouges castle 51 wilderness (wilderness) ::rick - Teleports you to Risky Rick (blood orb exchange) Youtubers commands ::youtubers - Shows all Youtubers online ::artz - Opens Youtube Channel Artz RSPS ::ascend - Opens Youtube Channel Ascended Rsps ::bass - Opens Youtube Channel Bass osrs ::capalot - Opens Youtube Channel Capalot RSPS ::coco - Opens Youtube Channel Agsk0 ::cursed - Opens Youtube Channel Cursed Out RS ::deca - Opens Youtube Channel Deca RS ::ext - Opens Youtube Channel Ext zerker #1risk fighter ::fewb - Opens Youtube Channel Fewb ::ghost- Opens Youtube Channel Ghost RSPS ::haloz - Opens Youtube Channel Haloz RSPS ::imp - Opens Youtube Channel Impatient ::jhus - Opens Youtube Channel J Hus ::juicy - Opens Youtube Channel Juicy 0range ::miami - Opens Youtube Channel Chopper rsps ::nopid - Opens Youtube Channel Nopid RS ::primal - Opens Youtube Channel Sasha RSPS ::raimon - Opens Youtube Channel Metal Raimon ::scooby - Opens Youtube Channel Scooby Doo Rs ::skii - Opens Youtube Channel Skii ::sohan - Opens Youtube Channel SohanRS ::stacks - Opens Youtube Channel Big Stacks RSPS ::tevin - Opens Youtube Channel NotYourAverageNoob ::thawavez - Opens Youtube Channel ThaWaveZ ::vino - Opens Youtube Channel Velvino ::walkchaos - Opens Youtube Channel Walkchaos ::wizard - Opens Youtube Channel Wet Wizard ::zachtx - Opens Youtube Channel ZachTX RSPS (Reply with a comment if I missed out on a command so i can add it to the list) Kind Regards Bsouth
  12. Several players on SPK appear to experience unexpected client freezes and disconnects in-game, so here's a potential solution to your problem! **Please Note** (This guide is adapted for Windows users only and needs to be followed in order to make it as efficient as possible) We're starting off the guide by deleting files that have been used once on your computer but still stored after a long period of time. 1. Restart your computer & do NOT open programs such as Discord & Twitch F.e 2. Open your Run box (Windows key + R) 3. Type Temp in your Run box & press Enter 4. Select all files (Ctr + A) 5. Delete all selected files & close the tab 6. Open your Run box again (Windows key + R) 7. This time, type %Temp% in your Run box & press Enter 8. Select all files (Ctr + A) 9. Delete all selected files & close the tab 10. Empty your Recycle Bin The next step will be Defragmenting and Optimizing your drives. The meaning behind it is to give you more space on your hard drive, which can be a big advantage to someone who is close to the limit of what their hard drive can hold. It can also produce a more stable computing experience. Optimized drives simply work better overall. 1. Select the search bar on the taskbar and enter Defrag 2. Select Defragment and Optimize Drives 3. Select the disk drive you want to Optimize 4. Select the Optimize button & remain patient for it to finish Now for the last steps, we're going to make sure your Java and Graphics Card Drivers are up to date. Because Java patches contain important enhancements to improve performance, stability and security of the Java applications that run on your machine and outdated Graphics Card Drivers can sometimes result in unnecessary lag. 1. Go to the taskbar search & type Control Panel, then press Enter 2. View by Large icons & select Java from the list 3. Go to the Update tab and click on Update now 4. Update & Uninstall out-of-date versions 5. Restart your computer 6. Right click on your windows tab icon and select Device Manager 7. Click on Display adaptors and you will see a list of your drivers 8. Right click & select Update driver 9. Select Search automatically for updated driver software (proceed with steps 8 & 9 for all your drivers) Well done! Now you've reached the end of the guide, I hope you found it helpful and can continue your journey on SpawnPK without any unwanted interruptions! However, if you're still experiencing the same issues as before or have any questions about the guide, please message me or any other staff member & we will do our best to assist you. Kind regards, Bsouth
  13. Bsouth

    Help with Pin Reset

    Player has been assisted and I'm therefore closing this topic.
  14. Bsouth

    Lost my PASSWORD - Atom1c

    Splendid! I’m closing this ticket as you’re no longer in need of help with a pw reset.
  15. Bsouth

    Kellatha's Staff Application

    Closing this topic since Kellatha is now an official member of the SpawnPK Staff team.Welcome back & congratulations Kellatha!
  16. Bsouth


    Hello @swagaton Please message a staff member in-game or contact me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps). Kind regards Bsouth
  17. Bsouth

    Lost my Password - rusherboy

    Hello @rusherboy Please message a staff member in-game from an alt or contact me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps). Kind regards Bsouth
  18. Bsouth

    New Player Client Issue

    Hello @chicagorilla Please message me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps) if you are still experiencing the same issue. Kind regards Bsouth
  19. Bsouth

    forgot pin to my alt account.

    Hello @mahoni Please message a staff member in-game or contact me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps). Kind regards Bsouth
  20. Bsouth

    forgot my pin

    Hello @Cook AU Please message a staff member in-game or contact me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps). Kind regards Bsouth
  21. Bsouth

    error client

    Hello @RngAsrock Please message me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps) if you are still experiencing the same issue. Kind regards Bsouth
  22. Bsouth

    Forgot my bank pin..

    Player has been given the help he needs so I’m therefore closing this topic.
  23. Bsouth

    I've lost my PASSWORD but I know my PIN - PaperChaser

    Hello @PaperChaser Please message a staff member in-game from an alt or contact me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps). Kind regards Bsouth
  24. Bsouth

    Can't get Client to work after fixes.

    Hello @zea Please message me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps) if you are still experiencing the same issue. Kind regards Bsouth
  25. Bsouth

    Lost my PIN-Xsjadow and Bifocal

    Hello @Xsjadow Please message a staff member in-game from an alt or contact me on Discord at bsouth#3359 (no caps). Kind regards Bsouth