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Everything posted by Marxie

  1. Congrats on admin, looks like you need to change your signature gif lol
  2. Marxie

    googlemeboy - questions on appealing

    Along with appealing every 28 days, if you want to get in contact with staff your best option is joining the SpawnPK Discord and using the #help section. There is also a ticket channel which allows you to post a link to your forums appeal and talk with staff about it. Unfortunately you probably won't be unbanned for a while, RWT is taken very seriously on the server. 1: Real World Trading (RWT) Offering to Buy or Sell SpawnPK GP/Items/Services for anything else other then SpawnPK Ingame Wealth is a serious offense. (Trolling about RWT is also an offense). Services such as GFX / Editing related to SpawnPK do not fall under this category, you are allowed to do so. In any case, best of luck on your appeals.
  3. Marxie

    is this possible??

    You can change your in-game name but you need to pay (I don't know how much it is now, maybe 1T?) I would contact someone from ::staff ingame to get any questions answered.
  4. Marxie


    This should be posted in Account Management > Appeal an Offense with the format: The punished username: The time/data you were punished: The staff member who punished you: The punishment you received (Ban, ipban, UIDban, mute,...): The rule you broke to be punished: Why should you be unpunished:
  5. Impatient #1 scared nher ingame He also is scared to skull in max gear in edge against people in spawnables ;)
  6. Marxie


    Ign Marxie~ This is gonna be one hell of an event
  7. Marxie

    Different Donation

    Hey, I wanted to know how I can get in touch with an admin/mod/owner about doing a donation, I messaged one of them and got no response. Thank you in advance.