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About loltjaa

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  1. same shit all the time, Maybe time to change the name to "Tevin's clan server"
  2. Reason behind the Bounty target teleport tabs will now warn if the teleport spot is nearby a multi-zone (within a 3-5 tile radius) ??? Its it cuz tevins friend died for 1t?
  3. loltjaa

    will lms be fixed ?

    something is needed for sure, its the most dead content ingame atm
  4. loltjaa

    will lms be fixed ?

    it's basicly dead content atm, It needs to be added to hotspot or something, buff the points maybe and some chance of random rare reward for placing 1st or 2nd (kinda like Tob) if u place first or 2nd you get to open a chest for a reward, is lms gonna be looked into or no ?
  5. loltjaa

    Run little piggy

    it would be funny to see if any of you dares to go multi solo with that risk, all u guys do is camp cursed void and Think ur the shit at nh l0l, shit clan, shitty nhers. all of you have planked at kraken vs me, so sit.