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Know Pain

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Everything posted by Know Pain

  1. I'm not sure how this happened, so I'm not really sure if it is a bug, but i was pked for my ammy of the damned with full prayer, and protect item on. please look into fixing this as i have seen it happen to many others and just thought they forgot to put on prayer. i now see for myself that you can sometimes still lose your +1 even without getting smited.
  2. You must be an active member of the server for at least 30 days. ✅ You must have no history of any rule-breaking for at least 30 days. Dependent on rule broken. ✅ You must be proficient in English. ✅ Keep it professional✅ Decent grammar (utilize punctuation, capitalization, etc.) ✅ 1. Desired staff position: Helper/Moderator 2. Your name (first name would suffice): Jake 3. Your age: 25 4. Your timezone: Eastern Standard Time GMT-5 5. Average amount of gameplay hours per day: 3-4+ on average 6. Why you should receive the position: I have been playing SpawnPK for a few years now and that is more than most players can say. Many people in game know me, talk to me, or have heard about me as I truly play it alot. Throughout the years not once have I been in trouble, or in jeopardy of losing my account. I am currently in the clan "Elementals" and pk often, which can and does lead to some heated moments, but I always try to keep a level head. I go out of my way to help a new player, or multiple, every time I play the game. Whether is giving out money or items, or helping them with in game things like how to do something, or specifically where to find it. Without new players this game would not grow and being aware of that I try to help however i can. I have been taking a notice to the lack of active staff lately and honestly it upsets me. I would like to fill that role and if given it, fulfill it to the best of my abilities. I have a good moral viewpoint and can easily determine right from wrong in many situations. This is easily my favorite server, as I have played on it for thousands of hours over the years. It hurts to know that current staff is lacking and I really would love to help. I am not going to ask anyone to say nice things about me on here either, as I want a true opinion of what the players think about me becoming staff. I have been told many times that I should consider applying and finally have decided to give it a go.
  3. Know Pain

    Goofygoofs Staff Application

    big +1 from me, Goofy is a great guy. I see him helping people a lot and without hesitation. He would make for a good new staff member.
  4. Know Pain

    server has been updated

    2-3 hours is ETA
  5. Know Pain

    Scooby Dooo Staff Application

    -1 you are beggarman
  6. rip bro epic rebuild content incoming
  7. Know Pain

    Suggestions - Wilderness -Pking - PVM - Misc

    +1 here not bad ideas bro
  8. happy for old yoshi woooooooooot everything else is just icing on the cake
  9. Know Pain

    Bank Sneak Pic

    thats just two tabs (barely) holy fuck fp lmao
  10. Know Pain

    staff app black sages2

    +1 a spk veteran, pretty active and very helpful player, would be great staff imo #sage
  11. Know Pain

    Dc'd for 1400 bags

    why have rules if no one follows them and there are no repercussions for not following them. sad day
  12. Know Pain

    Dc'd for 1400 bags

    this is so wrong on so many levels. you should be refunded. he did not earn that, and if anyone says he did, they are a joke. how is killing a d/c'd player that was about to riskfight and keeping his stuff fair at all? thats pathetic. also i agree with you on the favoritism. if it was a non donor he would have been jailed instantly, and forced to refund. this whole thing was handled very poorly, i was right there watching it happen. brutal basically said "i cant help you" and that was that..
  13. bought $10 bond on the 18th, and i still havent gotten it. can provide order reciept code and proof of purchase with screenshots if anything else would be needed lmk
  14. Know Pain

    bought donation, no bond almost a week later

    also my ign is Six Paths