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Everything posted by lol3421

  1. lol3421

    UID Bans for 'Flaming'

    The decisions made on this server are out of this world They uid ban people for anything, because they dont wanna deal with the same person twice. 1. this is the internet people will flame 2. this is the rsps scene people will flame 3. ITS THE SPAWNPK ASPECT OF RSPS which is the worst players (most toxic) not sure if the staff want a pg server haha. I understand racism/threats but other then that, it should be allowed just not over yell and shit
  2. lol3421


    I never said “humans make mistake” as an excuse i said it because people can break 1 rule no priors and get perm uid ban do I think you should be punished if you broke a rule? Yeah only a permenent removal if the player is a repeat offender I say humans make mistakes because we do, we all usually find a way to get a second chance and proof we are worthy but how are some players suppose to proof it if staff to too arrogant to accept appeals. i don’t know if they are too lazy to deal with players that might break another rule but this is the only server with this type of system and it is the only server with this much ppl complaining about punishments on forums
  3. lol3421


    One word for people like you “ignorant” I go off of facts you get your information from faith in humans every single person on this earth has made at least 1k mistakes and my point is that on spk 1 mistake could get u uid banne permenant and that makes no sense If I go and kill someone right now I’ll get like 20 years and I’ll be shown proof break a rule on here no proof shown and most likely a perm ban unless the person ddosed the server or threatened someone (bad shit) then they don’t deserve a second chance but other people do. i still find it funny that if I kill someone right now and get caught I’ll be shown proof but since I broke a rule on here NO PROOF probably cause I’m an alien and showing my proof will mean the end of humans
  4. lol3421


    For real man, I don’t understand you If you have been in the rsps scene for like 3-5 years you would understand look at all the top serves (not current) they all lost a lot of their players ikov alone had 500-800 active players banned but then the owner realised his fuck up and corrected it with an unban to everyone and changing the rules same for soulsplit and other servers back like 4 years ago but now servers have “evolved” go look at the rules on the top 5 servers one thing you will notice is that they will punish but rarely banish completely why? Because they know they can only get a certain amount of people to join and want to maximise it rather than decrease it
  5. lol3421


    And the owners sure do give them out like 4 dollar product :’) if you actually think about it, if it’s really like this and only .01% get unbanned then eventually majority of the server will be banned because all your players are human right? And if I’m not mistaken humans make a lot of mistakes you can’t even say I’m wrong this server most likely has the most uid bans/ip bans reason i think this is because this is the only server with a forums active only because of people complaining about bans smh
  6. lol3421


    For real if you got uid banned just quit they treat you like you are a terroist
  7. .... thats the dumbest thing I’ve heard ever. A known convict will be shown evidence even though he will be released but I won’t be shown proof even though mine punishment is permenant get your facts straight if I’m uid banned and it’s permenent then you might as well tell me cause if I can bypass the uidban then you can’t do anything else not showing evidence is stupid only corrupted servers have done this “ikov soulsplit and other big servers that are dead now” So according to you and your facts if I have a staff member on the inside and he/she tells me the ways that people get caught I’ll never get caught doing shit? NO the way people get caught is because of other people btw you guys do a very very very VERY bad job at catching rwters i get banned and I’ve never sold GP yet I can contact someone and buy 5t cash in 5 mins and he won’t get banned fk off i feel like that cockroach that did nothing wrong and stayed hidden but still got killed legit i can see the future “Ryan posts ‘2nd chances for everyone’” like every server does after players leave and no one else joins cause they made mistakes
  8. A person that kill someone in real life, TAKING SOMEONES LIFE, will be shown proof all of it, every single bit. why? Do we do this, so no one gets away with bullshit. showing proof does nothing but show facts. while you are right, the person that broke the rule should know what he did but until proof is shown it’s just accusations. once again I understand if staff don’t want some players on the server but don’t make up excuses
  9. Basically a dictatorship governments show proof to help remove corruption imagine being punished and never shown proof or anything. I understand if Ryan doesn’t want me to play his server, id prefer him telling me that rather than bs. whats wrong with showing proof? Nothing whenever servers don’t show proof it’s usually lack of proof but the staff have a high suspicion so they don’t want the person to get off free that or just corrupted staff funny how staff will show proof when it’s scams or something like that but some other shit they won’t LITERALLY SHOWING PROOF SHUTS THE PERSON UP FROM MAKING EXCUSES
  10. lol3421

    How to retain new players

    Pking is not the big issue as to why there isn't much players, but yes, the way the game works ragging is an issue. since its a pking server ragging should be illegal as it could stop a new player from playing. A new player will have spawnables vs a player with unspawnables (divine, pet) and then you throw in prayer with torags and the person will just knife u until you leave the wilderness
  11. lol3421

    Should this dab emote be added?

    Yeah. Pay 500 donor tickets to unlock this emote :’)