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About hallyyy

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  1. hallyyy

    Demon Spawns.

    Appreciate it!
  2. hallyyy

    Demon Spawns.

    I just killed about 50 or so w.o using the avarice i & still 0 peices, Idk I've went 150-200 kills dry for peices here after the update. Just feels really really shitty killing them now, revs are 100% better now.
  3. hallyyy

    Demon Spawns.

    After the recent drop rate update, Demon Spawns in the rev caves are totally fucked now for totem peices drops. The peices are under the 1/50 so our drop rate doesn't effect the drops.. even if we skull for the extra 10% its useless. Can you atleast make the peices now 1/50 like the rev drop table so our drop rate will help out!
  4. hallyyy

    Buff Nightmare.

    After this recent change to nightmare the boss is dead. You struggle too make 300-500b every 10 hours unless you get a lucky drop, I think the new change is good and was needed for the inq peices but you 1000% shouldn't have touched the cursed crates or the epic pet boxes they were the only thing that kinda made it decent if you had bad rng. I've killed this boss 5k+ times, I promise this will turn into dead content before long its already half way there atm.
  5. hallyyy

    [August 27th, 2020] Patch Notes

    I have the most KC at nightmare out the whole server atm & I just wanna say well done Ryan for killing more content, Nightmare has legit been butchered with these nerfs. I think making inq peices more rare is fair but you shouldn't have touched cursed crates and epic pet boxes drop rates. Well done for killing it. thanks
  6. hallyyy


    + cox rn is dead content it needs some love.
  7. hallyyy


    Yeah I don't mind boxes etc but the blood money is just pure troll for the time. Like the boxes etc add up the bm is just shit.
  8. hallyyy


    Could we please replace the blood money in raids, its so demotivating when you spend 30 mins doing grandmasters and you get 225m. I get you need too balance it out but 300m loot just isn't good at all. I'm not sure what too replace it with but anything would be better , thanks guys.
  9. hallyyy

    Lag spike issues

    Hi guys, I just got new net and a new laptop but im now getting bad lag spikes anyone got any ideas on how to fix them? cheers
  10. hallyyy


    Ive forgotten my alts pin, a ticket has already been made just wondering on an update? Alt is called "hallyyyy"
  11. hallyyy

    Easter Pet

    Idk I think scyth with this in raids would fucking shred?!
  12. hallyyy

    Easter Pet

    Hi lads, I'm just wondering if easter pet is only for pvp or does it work for both pvp/pvm? I've asked around and i'm getting different answers, don't wanna buy one for raids and it doesn't work lol cheers boys.
  13. hallyyy

    HELP forgot in game account code.

    Haven't signed in for about 10 month and have forgotten my code for my account can someone help me? Cheers lads.