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Everything posted by Jimm0

  1. Jimm0

    Bloodlust Scrolls

    I think if they were tradeable they would sell for such a low price that everyone would be pking in bloodlust, giving a huge boost to blood money into the game. I don't really think it's a good idea to make them tradeable, but maybe you could have a choice between bloodlust scrolls and a PVM-scroll which would do something like boost your drop rate by a small % for the 15 minute countdown. Would this be a good alternative?
  2. Use ::empty with your bank then - that is the best way to increase the value of all these items. Fewer in the game will mean that the prices of each item will increase.
  3. I've just spawned myself a million dragon daggers. Can all others please be removed from the game, and dds made unspawnable, so that I can sell mine at a huge profit? Thanks.
  4. This looks like it stemmed from a failed merch. I imagine the prices of TBows won't stay 300b each...
  5. Thanks mate - glad it’s not gone unnoticed
  6. Jimm0

    SPAWNPK laging.

    I have exactly the same issue - particularly bad in the first 2 levels of edge wildy.
  7. I get your point - there are few ethereal items in the game, most of which are not too scary, and those that are aren't necessarily a threat. I still think though, that if someone in spawnables kills Tevin (as an example) with his ethereal Emaul, they should be sufficiently rewarded. It is unfair on everyone else in this scenario - I'm sure you can see my point. Just because you disagree does not mean I'm wrong. You are still being a hypocrite, bringing taxes to everyone and (not so) subtly avoiding them yourself. It seems as if you're using your weight in the community (and your mod status) to pull strings in order to give yourself an advantage in the game. You can rest assured that this makes you look great to everybody.
  8. I understand the distinction you've made. In any case, autokept ethereal weapons are much more OP than, say, cursed obsidian and should subsequently have higher repair fees. Not only that, but imagine being a new player in spawnables lucky enough to kill Tevin (who is using both ethereal items he has, and no other risk). It would be unfair for this player to not be compensated for this kill. I know you're just pointing out facts here and not disagreeing with the sentiment, so thanks for clarifying the difference for those who don't know
  9. That argument doesn't stand. Anyone who forked out for egloves or eboots dumped much more than 20+ of each type of gloves and therefore shouldn't see a repair cost too, by your logic
  10. Tevin, my argument has nothing against you as a player. I don't mind either way whether or not you have enough money as a player to repair eithereal items on death - every player in cursed obsidian is now faced with the same scenario (many are not able to afford/do not want to spend that much money per death on cursed obsidian when statius is more OP and just as expensive). Thanks for being condescending, but I know well enough how ethereal contests work - it's a raffle much like gambling on getting enchanted gloves or boots. Your argument that you have 'dumped' many emauls/dinh's is rubbish because any player with enchanted boots or gloves has had to go through the same RNG process - I personally dumped 1.3T on getting egloves, and can now not afford to go for eboots, for example. In this scenario, why should you be exempt from repairing your ethereal items and yet I have to fork out for my enchanted gloves? I'm a brit, and have no love for Donald Trump, so I don't get what you're on about there. If anything, you're the one trying to minimise taxation on wealthier players, therefore bringing your view much more in line with his way of thinking. Nice try though.
  11. Whoever suggested this was probably entirely removed from bias and subsequently is equally affected by this update, so we shouldn't worry about it... Seriously though - why tax the 'poor' and not the rich?!
  12. Very nice update. One clarification would be great though - do autokept Ethereal items require a fee to repair? I think they probably should, and that it should be in line with how OP each item is.
  13. I think I'm well within my rights to call you a hypocrite in this scenario. I agree that overall your intention is to do good in the community, but that doesn't mean you don't have bias (as clearly stated). 2.5b is nothing - any risker in vesta generally risks at least this amount. For any player (this is not an attack on you, just on the concept of having autokept OP untradeables) they should not be allowed access to an autokept Dinh's or Elder Maul - a 2.5b fee is too small IMO. Also, we all know you can easily afford 100 bags whenever you die - we have seen your bank in your videos. If you are suggesting other players 'give up' their untradeables (who would ever use cursed obby with a 500m repair fee, for example?), then why aren't you faced with the same problem? That is what's unfair
  14. I'd argue that of all the untradeables, an autokept elder maul is by far the most overpowered and should subsequently have the largest repair fee (same goes for ethereal dinh's etc.) Is the only reason that you disagree with this statement because you are the only player with these weapons? In which case I think it's pretty hypocritical of you to suggest that everyone else has to pay more to pk, yet you'd be able to use your most overpowered autokept ethereal items without compromise. If you're going to implement a rule to all autokept weapons, the amount to repair the autokept has to scale with the power of that autokept (for example, cursed void should cost more to repair than cursed obsidian, and ethereal weapons should cost A LOT more to repair than all other autokepts).
  15. I like where this idea is headed, however some of the numbers must be wrong. For example, cursed obsidian costing 500m per piece to repair (approximately) would just mean that anyone pking in cursed obsidian would use statius or vesta instead (approximately the same risk for better armour - remember than cursed obsidian isn't too much better than bandos, afterall). Totally agree with the fact that these things shouldn't be here in the first place. What do you think about ethereal items? Tevin, you have the ethereal maul - since that is extremely OP and autokeep (with no bonuses for anyone who kills you with it) don't you think this should have a 10b repair on death fee?
  16. That’s definitely not always the case - some people just enjoy doing it to the last person who killed them or whatever.
  17. Why would banning ragging do more damage? I know this topic has been brought up many times before, but that doesn’t mean that something shouldn’t change
  18. Where can you pk where ragging isn't allowed? Honestly I think ragging is the demise of any PK server because it prevents PKing. Surely rules are necessary when it will keep a stronger playerbase?
  19. Disagree somewhat. Surely people can rag even if you’ve done nothing
  20. Jimm0

    sapphire bolts (e) function

    while we're fixing things, we should also make sure that the berserker necklace gives a damage buff to all obsidian weapons. +1
  21. Jimm0

    improved pet fuser

    I'm still a bit hesitant to be honest, but I get your point. Sure, I don't want these pets to disappear entirely - for example I would always like there to be a few doppelganger pets in game so I could buy one if I'm ever rich enough, but I don't want having a fused pet to be the norm. If you're thinking about implementing an expensive raffle to get these tickets as per the enchantment, why not just spend the money buying a fused pet from another player?
  22. Jimm0

    improved pet fuser

    I'm not so sure if that's a good idea. If we're trying to avoid power creep (or economy crashes), giving lots of people the ability to have OP pets for either PVP or PVM is probably not the best thing. I agree that it can be hard getting Fuser 3 done (I haven't done it) but it is meant to be exclusive (and bankrupting), as is the ability of having fused pets. I just think these pets should remain very very exclusive.
  23. Jimm0

    Making Money on SpawnPK [Non-Beginner]

    Could we have some clarification please @Ryan @Phenomenon? This is a trick that I’ve wanted to do before but haven’t simply because I thought it was against the rules.
  24. Jimm0

    Three Bugs

    I'm not sure if all of these are 'bugs' per se. They certainly need fixing and don't work as they should do, though. 1) Tzhaar (obsidian) weapons are not all given the damage boost from the berserker necklace as per OSRS. Fixing this would give poorer players (those in spawnables) some alternative weapons to make pking more fun and interesting. Please make sure these boost work additionally with the obsidian armour boost too (again, as per OSRS, and not working properly on this server). 2) Elderblood ring does not work as intended. It affects only blood whip, dbow, staff, cbow, and blood slayer bow. Blood slayer spear and staff don't have the boost as intended. This is a 1.5T ring that does not work as it should and those who have paid through the nose for it are a bit pissed that it's not working properly - it's dead content at the moment really. 3) Amulet of the Damned (t). This amulet's effect on torags is definitely broken - the defence of the wearer goes up way too high. In two fights I only took 17 damage (aside from venom and veng) from my opponent and, more importantly makes the wearer invincible. I don't have any 'proof' that it's broken, but I'm asking if you could re-look over the code, because I'm nearly certain it's not working as intended. Thanks for reading, Jimm0
  25. Jimm0

    Making Money on SpawnPK [Non-Beginner]

    Uhoh. Is a merching cc allowed? From what I've heard, buying out stock (i.e. monopolising on a single item) has got some people banned.