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About BanWilderness

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    Junior Member
  1. BanWilderness


    1. That's a horrible comparison 2. I never said or acted as if i was innocent, that being said i could be either, you wouldn't know. 3. So basically dying in rsps is like dying irl, cause in both you lose your stuff and in some cultures you lose your respect, the same way you lose respect when dying on SPK and rsps. 4. If that sounded retarded it's because this is your kind of comparisons. 5. You really are in despair
  2. BanWilderness


    #TevinIsMyDaddyAndHeShallFuckMeInTheAssWheneverHePleaseToDoSo #TakeTheRape #AbuseIsGood
  3. BanWilderness


    KILL SOMEONE IN REAL WORLD? You are litterally comparing a threat of murder to trading pixels, please shut the fuck up and sit down
  4. BanWilderness


    No it's like smoking weed in Amsterdam and then the police where you live see that footage and jail you for that.