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About gaby

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  1. ''you're about to enter .... wilderness, would you like to procceed?'' ''yes'' ''no'' ^would prevent lures to ::kk, ::ele, etc.
  2. Lets just say, this isn't supposed to be the zone that ''richkids'' would camp for money with op gear. With the current drop table it's worse than 90% of other starter money-making methods and they have too much defence for basic gear setups (blood whip+flameburst/blowpipe(without rigour)/etc).
  3. Literally hitting 1000000 0's inside this dead content zone. Lower def of the npc's pls?
  4. gaby

    Bloodlust/Deep wildy competition

    ye i just copy-pasted it from my google drive, thanks though.
  5. Bloodlust is a deep wilderness competition between different teams/clans for the no. 1 PK team/clan spot. rules/suggestions: The Bloodlust team size should be up to 20-30 PLAYERS, it’ll allow bigger teams to work together and not split up, this is NOT a set and confirmed number. The kills towards your Bloodlust team will only count in 15 and above wilderness - this’ll take out edge pking, as the main goal is to make deep wildy/multi areas more active. Team point system? ^^You’ll get more points for your team in multi combat areas, less in singles. (also the higher the wilderness level the more points you’ll acquire) - this will reward working in a team more than solo pking. (The top 3 teams will also be rewarded with unique rewards (e.g Bloodlust capes, corresponding to their team placement - these capes should give considerable stats, along with the bragging rights) - these aren’t set, just a suggestion. bloodlust tokens/store? -waiting for suggestions. Prize pool of ??? ($1000/1B osrs gp???), meaning that $1000 will be distributed among the winning 3 teams, OR won by the 1st place team - waiting on ideas. ^^^ prize pool of considerable amount will bring in quite a fair share of teams/clans that’ll get us exposure and players. Kills will count towards your team ONLY if the other player is in a opposing team (the player HAS TO be in a team to begin with)- this’ll make the competition more fair/war based and killing PvMers won’t count for “easy” points. SEASONAL??? why spawnpk over other servers for this? our split-screen loadout/preset spawn display is perfect and unique option for fast returns which could make or break a fight/war. half eco/-spawn server - meaning clans can get straight into pking from the beginning with average setups without having to put in effort to grind for levels/basic gear setups and also have the potential to get more op/better gear by playing/donating. edit: what would be required to be implemented: * point based system for kills between the players that are enrolling in teams. * in-game system that allows people to manage/create their teams (add/remove players, ability to name teams/clans) * certain point threshold for reward eligibility inside top-ranked teams to avoid reward "abusing" without participating. * wilderness level cap to receive points (below level 15 wilderness do not give points) * bloodlust tokens/store - if decided for (kills on opposing teams would give tokens which could be spent in the store for better gear/weapons.) * anti-abuse system (although this could be checked manually aswell in kill logs) to prevent people creating 2 teams and kiling eachother to "cheat the system" for free tokens or seasonal rewards. Looking forward to your thoughts/further ideas. (Sorry for my lack of english)