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call me texx

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Everything posted by call me texx

  1. call me texx

    Daddy's Home

    Your favorite degenerate gambler is back.... can he change his ways, or will he get cleaned and rage quit again. Find out next episode!
  2. call me texx

    Social Players Love or Hate?

    I personally can't stand people who try to form personal relationships purely for the personal gain I don't think there is nothing wrong with having friends in game and helping a friend out but there are people who try to become your "friend" with their intentions to solely use you. This certain player I saw at thieve stalls for quite a while talking up a storm and players end up giving him things. I see thru these people so easily maybe because I've had prior experiences but I just want people to understand there is people out here like this for maybe some who don't know.
  3. I swear you have the best ideas! (not trying to dick ride) I'd really love to see the pvp and pvm kill boosts added
  4. call me texx

    New Clan "Demonic Pkers"

    Name: Call me texx Kdr: 2.12 Im working on my bridding and nhing not claiming im the best.
  5. call me texx

    Max hit dummy

    Only here because gooby said i would be "sperm ragged" if I didnt, but great idea hope to see it added.
  6. call me texx

    Prestiege Idea

    The prestiege system is in a lot of different rsps and I always find it very fun to do and it lets you set a big goal and achieve it. For anyone who's not aware of the prestiege system pretty much u get 99 everything then start over with lower xp rates but there is rewards such as increased drop rates. I would love to see it incorporated into this game.