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  1. Exposed

    Deflect Melee

  2. Exposed

    Bounty target system revision

    If you skip a target I agree there should be a penalty, like no chance in getting those artifacts or statues. Although that's still a bit harsh, or if you do get an artifact that costs 10b-25b the price should be cut in half or 1/3.
  3. Exposed

    Wildy PVM

  4. Exposed


    Considering what you said "runex has a different pking system compared to spk" you guys couldn't plank this planker in your own server ? Where you know how the switches are and what it's like to pk on runex, aswell as how everything works lmfao on the server. And he was level 119 Lol, you couldn't kill someone that isn't even maxed so there is no excuse lmfao. Your first kill pic shows that he was rushed with a 50k exp drop followed with a 22k exp drop. You guys are hot garbage L0L. Tell me your ing name on any server and I'll find you.
  5. Exposed


    Thay ascendency went onto rune x and exposed some of your "nhers". Honestly if they get planked by ascendency I don't know what to tell you, just quit pking you die to this planker. You guys don't want me on your server so pipe down random pvmer. #BS
  6. Exposed


    You seem a Lidel Bid mad
  7. Exposed

    Kharazi event video ! 15b giveaway !

    I die every 15 mins in that mini game
  8. Exposed

    Sober's Helper Application

    Sober legit plays 1 hour a day maybe, when he is online all he does is spam his appeal every 5-10 minuets and l whenever he helps one person he most likely tells them his staff app. I don't see how someone who is flaming people on his own staff application is even a choice for becoming and in game mod, we wouldn't want you to be unban some people you'd like to play with like maybe "team 10" evader squad. None the less, I believe the 30 days of no rule breaking should require a "time played" because anyone could simply just log off the game and avoid getting into any disputes with anyone.
  9. Exposed

    another 1 - dj k.

    Why upload a death when someone deathmatches? You bring 100 sips of brews to outlast someone but have no K0 potential.
  10. Exposed

    another 1 - dj k.

    L000000000L when trying to look like a straight hitter goes wrong haha.
  11. Exposed

    Sober's Helper Application

    How does someone go from being In a pk team full of evaders, doesn't co-operate with staff about it. While him knowing their evading, yet still is playing in game I believe that is keeping evidence from staff? And he still on the good side with "mods" just because he kisses ass now, you guys are gullible enough to fall for it. Why do you want staff morbid to let your team 10 evaders back into the server ?