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nut keibet u

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About nut keibet u

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  1. nut keibet u

    Nut on ur server anymore

    Bison gave me a divine which i enjoyed for a week before going and seeing my family due to some very real circumstances IRL which i had no choice but to just go along with, im still in the middle of it all but it seems to be working out now and I have a little more free time to enjoy this game Honestly, I'll never forget that conversation we had, we both found ourselves agreeing with each other in a rather strange way. But, could someone please explain this to me? https://imgur.com/a/IcHbt On the last time i logged in, i deliberately ::yelled that i Spawnpk had undergone a DB leak, and got globally muted indefinately. Then i deliberately backstabbed Ascendency in PVP because within 24 hours the same people who backstabbed me for my bank at the time had been given higher ranks, which was the turning point for me. I do the inevitable, and try to log in only to see im banned? Wtf... things really change in a few days huh?
  2. nut keibet u

    iwnl intro

  3. nut keibet u

    iwnl intro

    leave before you spend $100 just trying to get useful features
  4. nut keibet u

    Nut on ur server anymore

  5. nut keibet u

    Nut on ur server anymore

    #R.I.P TRIGG
  6. nut keibet u

    Nut on ur server anymore

    If i can literally pk without even touching my mouse or keyboard for more than 15-20 seconds, youve got a problem. proved this last night in several ways and honestly, its just pathetic the feeling of disbelief youre left with.
  7. nut keibet u

    Nut on ur server anymore

    I know a lot of you probably wont give a shit, but ive decided to move on from spawnpk for several reasons. When i first joined, i found myself unable to make cash fairly without blowing more irl money on a videogame. Then i joined a clan which was all good until the owner quit and they tried reforming but it was inevitable for them to backstab each other for ranks, as well as promote ddosing. Okay, so theyre bullshit reasons to give up having fun well i dont have fun on spawnpk anymore. I can show countless #1 pker of the day screenies now and i just dont find it fun anymore. Besides all this, your servers literally designed to encourage people to spend $1000+ on pixels that give no significant advantage over the average player in veracs. i know this, because i pk in veracs and thats how i got 28 of the 50 killstreak needed for comp cape.... which most people just zbow and overhead for... And yet, you were talking about economy resets? Shout outs to Apricot, Morbid, Bowflexx, Bison and Raggaeman420 for making this server enjoyable, i will never forget you and maybe well see each other somewhere else one day
  8. NUT ON U here. Last night i exposed the fact you could wear +10-30 magic accuracy and still land hits frequently enough to fight melee pkers, it creates for extremely fast paced pking because you when you hit you hit hard and when they hit you, due to the lower defences you have, the more damage you take as well./. If you have patched this, i'd like to point out that this is an experiment i run on EVERY version of runescape and has been doable for the last 4 years. Its more of a fun style of pking that is EXTREMELY HARD TO PULL OFF. Please, do not take away my magetank style, its truly something i have mastered Special attack leech probably necessary as i saw potential for abuse with 25% spec spam, however, it required people to land a hit on you first. I believe the issue here is not the delay between spec leeches, rather, the source of the spec leech. Other than those two things, this update looks good. Slightly worried about 3x death and 3x blood berserker pet being combined with a bunch of other stuff.... this is going to make for something quite silly LOL