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About AE7

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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  1. AE7

    Just think Sayin should see this

    i've never planked to tevin on vid link and time please?
  2. AE7

    Just think Sayin should see this

    xheadhunterx why you still roam fourms if you dont even play - lewys
  3. AE7

    V E X - Scams

    did 60b v alien if i won he agreed to pay 10b gap, did not pay the 10b he 30ak i fh clown
  4. AE7

    A7 Rebuild

    -My Rebuild Journey- Hello, this is A7. I am going to be using this forum post to keep you all updated with my rebuild progress (I've uploaded my current bank to give you all a idea of where i currently i am) The goal of this is to eventually reach 1T bank value (without staking & gambling) Another goal during the journey will be all achievements Enjoy & Join me along the journey!
  5. AE7

    clamze plonker man

    cu clamze3 plonker man cu
  6. AE7

    [Olympus] Singles & Deep Nh

    Olympus Olympus - Is a brand new clan in SpawnPK, looking for dedicated, loyal players to join us in our journey. The clan is lead by @AE7 Known As : A7 in game. Our goals as a clan As a clan we want to create a friendly but highly competitive clan, who compete against other clans to dominate the wilderness. We are looking to start making NH videos and build a successful clan . We also want to help improve the wilderness player base by making it competitive and encouraging people to fight. Rules - We have very STRICT rules and any rule broken will be looked into. - Cannot be in another clan, if you in [Olympus] you stay - No attacking other members of the clan [Will not be tolerated] -No arguing within the clan chat, respect ALL members of the clan chat at all times. - No abuse of clan powers, such as threatening to kick Ranks In order to earn a rank you simply need to be in the clan chat, each rank tier will be given out every few days, or given depending on performance within the clan chat. Clan Requirements In order to join [Olympus] -Discord is needed [https://discord.gg/SagS37] - At least 16+ years of age [we want a mature clan] -Positive KDR [1+] [If all requirements are met send (A7) a private messages in-game]
  7. AE7

    No Clip Glitch

    I went to train agil at gnome course, when my account could run through the air (No Clip) i went to gamble to see what happens and this happend This is the account i no clipped on - https://gyazo.com/a8dc3652dd9fcbd60febb5eaa26217c6 And this is a ALT which i went to the ::Gamble on to see if i could see myself - https://gyazo.com/18a0fece755ba9e13ee828b71c228f9f
  8. AE7

    Shavers - The BarberShop

    In-game Name?: A7Age?: 18 Kdr: 7.1total kills: 298