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Everything posted by 3vv

  1. 3vv

    lost pin 3vv

    lost pin 3vv I tried PMing in-game staff, and I want to try it here now. https://gyazo.com/78203aee8c931292104640d5fc3ad744
  2. 3vv

    Lost pin for my acc

    Hey I lost the pin for my account 3vv if you guys could remove my old pin that would be great thank you. https://imgur.com/a/Upb4hHc
  3. 3vv

    Lost pin for my acc

    I forgot my pin thank you staff <3. https://imgur.com/a/Upb4hHc
  4. 3vv

    Lost pin for my acc

    Hey I lost the pin for my account 3vv if you guys could remove my old pin that would be great thank you.
  5. 3vv

    Lost pin for my acc

  6. 3vv

    Weird Dh Pk bug

    I was Dh pking and I axed a guy for a 67 ko or something and he venged his veng ticked me and i failed my tick eat and then his wrath came in and finished me off b4 I could eat. We both run to the loot and I had both of the loot piles any explanation why I got my stuff and his gear?
  7. 3vv

    Lost my PASSWORD/PIN - 3vv

    Hello, I've lost the PASSWORD/PIN on my account - 3vv https://imgur.com/SE3wJpX https://gyazo.com/5724959a2e7beb554d3b55dab5505bbf Sorry, I'm having trouble putting the pictures on the site.
  8. 3vv

    3vv pin forgot

    I'm 3vv haven't played spawnpk in a while since being cleaned of 1.5 tril or some shit like that, I don't remember my pin my only proof is my 20$ purchase I made on the server if needed I can provide information regarded to that. Anyways I'd like access to my account :D