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Everything posted by Wiish

  1. Wiish


  2. Wiish

    Video ideas for NotYourAverageNoob

    Do a from scratch series. Rules - - You can only use what you pk - Can't use the trading post - Cant trade with others - Can only use the shops for supplies, not weapons - If you buy bonds, it needs to be from money/items you earned from pking - No skilling or pvming The way to beat it, is to hit your bank target, whatever you choose it to be (make it hard).
  3. Wiish

    Typical Scam

    So Goobymunch is buying rares and whatnot, i ask if he wants killers set but he says hes already got it. Then Macjim said that he wants to buy it and i ask him for an offer. I said ill only sell it for a high price, as im pretty sure thats its rare, and theres none in tp. Macjim uses Gooby as an excuse and says 'Gooby says 3b for all' but when i go to Gooby and offer 4b, i dont get a reply. This happens with lots more items, but heres one example. P.S. Most of the pics are just showing how much of an idiot Macjim is. Pls no hateful replies.
  4. I've never even seen you in wildy
  5. You need to learn when to stop @goobymunch. Elementals is OBVIOUSLY better than kingsmen, and we've got many more killpics of you, than you have of us. I can easily say that a lot of your kill pics are from multi, so don't tell us multi killpics don't count.
  6. Wiish

    "PVP Items"

  7. No he didn't i just wanted to come here and say a few things.
  8. Also, the 2 pics i sent aren't in multi, want to talk about those or not?
  9. And also, just because we don't take kill pics, doesn't mean we don't kill you. I killed ascendency 2-3 times in a war today, keep in mind that this is while he specs and teles.
  10. Wiish

    Daily Tournament

  11. Wiish

    25B Giveaway!!!

    How could i lose?
  12. Wiish

    Bass Helper Application

    +1, Bass would be a nice addition to the staff team
  13. Wiish

    Dark bow nerf

    Normal Dark bow needs a nerf, its hitting 30s through pray, sometimes it shoots two arrows which hit 20 each, so a 40 hit through pray by a spawnable?. Fix this please.
  14. Wiish

    Dark bow nerf

    So what, it may be slow, but it hits too high THROUGH PRAYER and its spawnable.
  15. Wiish

    Dark bow nerf

    Thanks Kella! And for those who thinks it doesnt need a nerf, just know, its a spawnable hitting 40 through pray. Does that not change your mind?
  16. Yes please! And if there could be a system which removes accounts if they haven't played for like a year that would be great
  17. Wiish

    [AWARDS 2017] Worst pker

  18. Also, I dot feel as if I needed to ask for clarification as the message seemed clear to me. I don't know about you but my instincts don't tell me to ask people for clarification or something that I feel I understand. (This is just what I think, no one needs to argue back to me. Just wanted to let people know why I didn't ask for clarification)
  19. I bought $250 thinking id get the fuse box as the tab that had the offer didn't clarify that i need to donate $250. It should really clarify that you need to DONATE $250 to get the box. That is my suggestion. P.S. I wasted my money on buying $250 because it didn't clarify. I deserve something in return!!
  20. I'm not asking for a refund, I was mainly suggesting that they should add that you need to actually donate to recieve the box ingame. The message at the end was a joke (unless you'd like to give me something @Ryan) im not here to argue whether this was my fault or not, I just wanted to point out that it should tell you ingame that you need to donate for the box, if you're here to argue or to call me an idiot then you can leave because that's not what I made this suggestion for.
  21. I dont know what you mean jody, but i didnt donate. Im just saying that i claimed $250 and thought id get the box. I asked if the owners could clarify that you needed to actually donate $250 on the promo tab so we can understand, and people dont buy bonds thinking they will get the box.