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About bigpapi

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  1. I dont get why all these people have anime pics as their profile pics
  2. Unban me and then we would see if those divines would help you guys in clan wars #triggered
  3. bigpapi

    Outlaw's Greetings..

    I won't read that shit try to make it one color text.... it just hurts the eyes and annoying
  4. bigpapi

    The quantity of assholes in community

  5. bigpapi

    The quantity of assholes in community

  6. bigpapi


    haha shit happens, but no its a 99% I won't be unbanned, too bad
  7. bigpapi


    hahaha right back at you abooserr men (jk jk)
  8. bigpapi


    I'm not pissed was speaking sarcastically about Tevin but the trash talkers can burn in hell no joke
  9. bigpapi


    So as most if not all of you know that I was account banned for breaking "rule 20: Withholding information about other rule breakers." However, I was, later on, notified I was ip banned for something I don't know about yet. This server had its times, but a lot of people were simply cancerous, yet some made it worth playing. I don't have another choice than to wait until I have the right to appeal my case, if I don't get unbanned then it would be the end of my time playing spk. I will confess, some updates were solid and nice yet some were simply just repetitive and aids (example: charmed alien) I would like to give a shoutout to... All of the Trigg cc - Ascendency - Goobymunch - Courtney - Faith pots - Raggeamen420 - Jadzz - Lure a cow - Marineboy777 - Macjim - Youngpapi - Banter - Bands -Fellow Human - American riv - Run north - Plane simple - Apricot - 24ks nephew - Elseth - Powah - also a shout out to whoever yelled #FreeRaiden I didn't see all who did that. Last but not least shout out to the staff team, I might have trash talked most of you but I probably meant with love (idk if I forgot any name) And to whoever was salty, toxic, and talked behind my back simply burn in HELL I JUST LIKE KEEPING YOU CHILDREN #
  10. bigpapi

    jean paul for admin

    don't get me wrong jean is a good staff member, however, i don't think we need more admins
  11. bigpapi

    Economy fix with 55x2

    this is like basically asking for an eco swipe if that thing existed gamble would simply be dead more than it is.....
  12. bigpapi


    So Foley claims I never brought him down to 20 hp he said "u nothing under 55" so he asked for the screens so here u go pvmermen
  13. bigpapi


    i posted this since peopele said i never had over 50t
  14. bigpapi


    loooool that was when i was fping shawn and i quickest thing i got to was my cell so... meh