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gfbank last won the day on October 18 2017

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About gfbank

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  1. gfbank


    u are if u looked
  2. gfbank

    This is complete bullshit

    i do support what you say raiden about him being spawned a lot of items, and being free to just gamble it all away on top of maybe having "certain luck" or more luck than others. some may even say its rigged, if you wanted content sohan and ryan could've made some accounts and make different staking/flower poker series without effecting the real community of spawn pk and cleaning out the real economy that was earn'd by players. i feel its great that ryan wants more players in this game, but Sohan also has other serves that he promotes and has promoted. how do you know when a player gets cleaned ingame he wont go to a different server to try out. also i know for a fact when he left this server last time he got cleaned.. so there is no way he had any items in his bank. he made a youtube video named "from being eco cleaner/holder to being cleaned.
  3. gfbank

    A new bank function.

    i like the idea of having split bank count for items that are spawn/bought. its a pain when u have 500+ items bcos most of them are being spawned for random moments.
  4. gfbank

    Beginner Item Expansion

    he is talking about , for new players. the only way a new player will get a zbow is if he donates for a bond and gets the bow.
  5. gfbank

    Comp Cape

    how do you think people who play runescape 3 feel? comp cape for 99 stats, then there is a comp cape for 120 stats. like morbid said it suppose to be a challenge.
  6. gfbank

    Beginner Item Expansion

    ags costs around 50m now a-days, claws are expensive but if someone really wants claws or ags they can camp stalls for 10-15 mins. what id suggest is that they should be able to switch from ags to claws . or claws to ags , so they get to try out both of the beginner weapons to see which one they like.
  7. gfbank

    Revenants daily task

    it should be around 100, revs are easy to kill since people can have yoshi and afk with auto retaliate on so that wouldnt be much of a grind. if revs were not aggro then id support this 100%
  8. gfbank

    Moderator incentives

    also mods have to be active/put them selves out there in order to help.
  9. gfbank

    Moderator incentives

    so your logic is, reward a helper/mod for what they are suppose to do? something they signed up for, when they wanted that position. being a mod already has its perks, i don't believe giving an extra drop rate would help. how about fixing the current drop rate and adding new mini games and bosses so when more people come there is MORE things to do.
  10. gfbank


    there was a different server that when you dscim spec it did that. i suggested this a while ago.
  11. rune knifes shouldnt be able to be shot from 100000000 miles away, nor are some of the other range items on the server so fix it please.
  12. gfbank

    Helper/Mod Application

    it's simple, tweva is in elementals. i honestly havent seen tweva yell anything for past 3 weeks or help anyone lol its all politics.
  13. gfbank

    Helper/Mod Application

    he obviously said that because he wants his elemental buddy to be a helper.
  14. gfbank

    Helper/Mod Application

    someone said that it would be easier to read lol..