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About freestuffpls

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  1. freestuffpls

    New wildy money maker.

    Hey I saw this place in wild behind ::dgz where there's a sink that is to be used to fill a bucket and a ladder so I was thinking that maybe the curious minds of Spk could come up with a wildy minigame or money maker in this area that could use those items. Maybe something like if you have 99 prayer and attack you loot from the sink and fill your bucket up with some type of liquid that you could sell for bank. Idk I just feel like it could be used for something. Maybe someone else will have a better suggestion for it than me.
  2. freestuffpls

    [4/11/2018] Bloodwyrm boss, Tekton pet, and much more!

    Dude, sorry for dub posting but after thoroughly reading this fucking update is fucking legit bro. You guys really listened to the players. +1
  3. freestuffpls

    [4/11/2018] Bloodwyrm boss, Tekton pet, and much more!

    Oh shit this is dope. Them pvp items is what i wanted to see.
  4. Not the pvp content we distinctively asked for and I'm sure this will do nothing to increase the activity of the wild. But hey, your server not mine. Maybe you guys don't have the technology to do what we asked for but I suggest you take a look at "::topic 10912" as a reference to what the fans want. Not trying to sound cocky, just trying to help.
  5. freestuffpls

    "PVP Items"

    That's exactly what I just said but I don't think they should add blood money perks into it. Adding blood money perks at this time I feel is unfair to people who completed the blood money tree acheivement. There's no reason to add BM perks anyway, just make it the way it was on runescape. You risk zuriels, i kill you in spawn and get zuriels and a cheap stattuette. I risk zuriels, I kill you and get zuriels and have a 1/5000 chance to get an expensive stat. Blood money perks shouldn't increase loot percentage, risk should. 500b risk should lower it to 1/400 to get rare stats and someone risking 10b should lower it to 1/2000. And no risk should be like 1/50000. But a stat should drop everytime, risking or not just to have something else to pick up besides blood money. Edit: those are just random numbers and I don't suggest using them. If this is done pkers will be satisfied. I don't see anything else we could ask for. Good Pkers barely complain about drops anyway, they just quit.
  6. freestuffpls

    "PVP Items"

    Here's how we don't. (From the perspective of a regular joe schmoe pker, not eco-holder) Blood Money on kills(Scale-able with blood perks, blood lust scrolls, killstreak etc) (As mentioned by others, that blood money amount is garbage) Stone/Golden artifacts on kills depending on you/your enemies risk (These are so random that they aren't even worth mentioning.) Potential seasonal rewards (easter donator mystery boxes, etc) when we have holiday events (Seasonal) Potential extra drops due to seasonal events (Halloween event where pieces needed to turn in for the event drop from players) (the same as above) Bounty hunter to upgrade tier emblems for easy money (That money is not easy and it's also not that good and target system is a little wonky.) Potential access to loot due it being the wilderness (wealth from players when killed/smited,etc) (Who would risk in dead wildy?) Alternative to use pets to boost pvp drops like Boneguard pet being able to give you a Donator mystery box/ $5 bond on kills (This is an extra incentive) (There are so few of those pets ingame and very not easy to get, we are talking about random joe smoes who want to pk here. Not eco holders.) Any and all pvm wildy events benefit you guys as that brings attention from pvmers (fresh meat) and more attention towards wilderness like edge and especially deep wildy. That's mostly for events for also great additions like Rouge's Chest. (Pvpers don't want to kill pvmers all day. We want to kill pvpers.) Huge pk rewards from pk task scrolls (100B+ i've seen people get double epic pet boxes) (It's not like you just get 50 kills, there are special tasks that you have to do with those. I for example have to kill people at mb and mb is almost always dead so this is not as "encouraging" as you may believe.) Grand crest piece drops (especially piece 2 because it's worth 20b+) (Also extremely rare and doesn't give player incentive to kill like 40-250m loot per drop would.) My idea is more loot per kill because to me the amount of loot you get (bm) is not that good of a reason to want to pk on this "PK" server, I've seen kids just leave it on the floor from kills. If we have "pvp items" that drop from every kill that we would have to pick up to exchange for money, and there's a chance you can get a rare expensive item, that would make wildy more active. Like I said, the only thing wildy is used for now is pvpers killing pvmers at revs and bc/ele and the same 2 clans (Elementals/Sayin) fighting everyday repetitively with no reason whatsoever. No one risks and you don't make any money from doing so, so it's really just a waste of time. This game should have thousands of players and multiple clans that roam the wild. Just give them a reason to.
  7. freestuffpls

    "PVP Items"

    The money made in the wild is not worth it which is why pking is the last thing a person would think to do to make money. The items in that shop are mostly not that good and that's only from target fighting. No one wants to sit at edge trying to get targs all day when they might get a target at mb or at bc. I'm glad you understand that this is a good idea and I truly hope someone looks at this and considers it.
  8. freestuffpls

    "PVP Items"

    No it isn't. That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is similar but is different. Basically, an earning potential chart and a random "pk" loot per pvp kill to trade in to Mandrith. And the loots range from common items (100m-300m) to uncommon items (20-30b) and these items being untradable to players only tradable to Mandrith. Also, an item is dropped every kill.
  9. freestuffpls

    "PVP Items"

    Deep wildy is dead and Edge wildy is also dead for the most part. Speaking from a player who pk's there mostly in spawn vs spawn. There's like 10 people in edge wild at any given moment and like 5 of them are prod rushers which lowers the amount of fights I can have fairly without getting an ip strike. But maybe, there could be an item that could be traded into Mandrith worth like 30b. I think that would give people an incentive to want to pk more. From Revs, BC, merching, staking, gambling; you can make bils instantly, but with pking you cannot unless you're fighting a person who's risking and no one really risks anything on here. That's not the way it should be on a pk server. I believe that it would be pretty cool if there were items that dropped from pking worth maybe 200m for common all the way up to 30b for super mega ultra rare. I could totally see that bringing the server into an active pking notion. This suggestion will really get the wild more active. The only thing we're missing from the wild is luck. There's luck at revs, luck at gambling and luck at staking, if we add this players can really have something to pk for. You guys could also probably add a risk system like @Bowflexxx said where if you're risking something like Zuriels, you have a better chance of getting a 30b item. Do you agree? If agree, +1 if not say why not. And just my 2 cents, maybe add an epic pet and a grand necklace the shop as well because almost all the ways in the past that "rare" items were implemented into the game(Pet Fusing and Grand Crest) were only to make the rich richer. Items are only rare in this game because there are so few. That's not an economy, that's a monopoly.
  10. freestuffpls

    More loot per pk kill

    This, this is the definition of Toxic. Obv Kellatha fanboys here to take his side. You sound ridiculous, saying Kellatha is as much of a "player" in a pk spawn server where he is never in wild is just ignorant flame baiting bias trolling. You're argument isn't even an argument, just contradicitions, just like Kellatha's. "Just to show you your stupid ass argument." Tbh @The aurora @Kellatha I think he should be infracted for this. The stuff he said has nothing to do with anything I said. Just troll and flame and so not needed. I don't even know how to reply to that last sentence. I'm not going to reply to you anymore until you say something along the lines of "How this will make the server worse" or "How this will make the server better." To further clarify for those incapable of understanding words, this is a pk suggestion. I beg that you do not come here mentioning pvming or how someone is good at pvming or gambling or how I'm stupid or who is who in the server or basically anything stupid/bias or derogatory because it is not necessary. "I don't seem mature enough to accept criticism"? I don't think you know what criticism means. Criticism is telling me that I'm wrong and how I'm wrong. Trolls like you and Kellatha took my suggestion and twisted it and started talking about nonsense like pvm and kdr. Please leave. Kellatha does not represent pkers because Kellatha doesn't pk. That's like saying Casey represents pkers when everyone knows Casey barely pk's, if any. This is exactly why the server is toxic, Despair should be reprimanded. This is a suggestion forums, you should say "your suggestion is good" or "your suggestion is bad and here's why." As for what Phenomenom said. Deep wildy is dead and Edge wildy is also dead for the most part. Speaking from a player who pk's there mostly in spawn vs spawn. There's like 10 people in edge wild at any given moment and like 5 of them are prod rushers which lowers the amount of fights I can have fairly without getting an ip strike. And I agree, a new currency isn't needed, with magic tokens and bags and coins and blood money and so many other things that are worth money, currency shouldn't be added. But maybe, there could be an item that could be traded into Mandrith worth like 30b. I think that would give people an incentive to want to pk more. From Revs, BC, merching, staking, gambling; you can make bils instantly, but with pking you cannot. That's not the way it should be on a pk server. I believe that it would be pretty cool if there were items that dropped from pking worth maybe 200m for common all the way up to 30b for super mega ultra rare. I could totally see that bringing the server into an active pking notion. Also, this wasn't about blood money or the economy so I can't really debate what you said as I feel it will get off topic. But I can say BM used to be like 4m and that was easily merched to 5m at any given moment. I feel 3m is a good price and the amount at which I get bm (from the blood pool perks) is on par with 3m keeping me from being able to make a huge eco wrecking profit from rushling while risking bm. This suggestion will really get the wild more active. That's the only thing we're missing from the wild is luck. There's luck at revs, luck at gambling and luck at staking, if we add this players can really have something to pk for. You guys could also probably add a risk system like @Bowflexxx where if you're risking something like Zuriels, you have a better chance of getting a 30b item. Do you agree? If agree, +1 if not say why not.
  11. freestuffpls

    More loot per pk kill

    Right Kellatha, why are you acting like you're someone you're not? Aurora pks, Jean pks, everyone knows that Tevin pks. You are barely seen in the wild and rushing makes you pro pker? You might pk, I'm not saying you don't. What I'm saying is, I never see you pk and I'm onlike 24/7. From your kdr it seems like you don't even pk for the fun, you pk to brag about ur kdr. Our CC isn't toxic, It's just dead because wildy is dead. I swear bro, this back and forth makes no sense and says alot about your character Kellatha. You really can't disagree with the suggestion I'm making but you're just saying random stuff to make it sound like I'm wrong. I'm not here to debate the size of Epenises, just trying to fix a dying server that I happen to like mate. Reread you and Ryanking's comments and tell me if you think they were 100% necessary. Tell me if you think they were importantly needed, if not then they are trolls and you need to stop. What you need to be doing is using your "moderator" politic powers to get Ramzi or Ryan to look at this to try and help bring some more players into the pking community, not commenting to tell me how many kills you have or telling me about how much ur bank or how ur loadout looks. I don't care, and it's a waste of both of our time. This is exactly why the server is dying. Kellatha you're toxic af to be honest. So many people dislike you and your actions so don't come here and act like you're debating my opinion versus yours when everyone knows you're just here commenting to be toxic and make me look like I don't know what I'm talking about. Point blank period, if you're comment isn't needed, don't comment. Ex. If i ask "what's 2+2?" answering "that's ez, you don't know that", is a toxic answer is pretty much what I'm saying. If you're not going to answer or even try to atleast help me get my problem solved, you're not needed. Forum suggestions section is like 1000x more toxic than ingame anyway. People only comment to say that you're suggestion won't work unless you're politically liked. Kellatha, not trying to sound mean but just stop m8. Tbh I hope you change your bias ways if not you should resign, you are corrupt.
  12. freestuffpls

    More loot per pk kill

    Because you're staff exempts you from the "player" community. Especially since this is a pk server and tbh, I've never seen you in the wild so once again like I've said, your comments are not valid just bias and trolling. I'm not saying there's any server where you just start off with eco, I'm saying I've played a lot of spawn pk servers where pking could give you eco. Take away gambling and risk fighting will be more active. Pvp in itself will be more active. Especially if the loot per kill is increased. It's obvious that the server player base is going down and you're just trying to debunk a good idea that could change that just because you're toxic. You have no idea what you're talking about, plenty servers sell redeemable donations. Please stop. @Jean Paul @The aurora.
  13. freestuffpls

    More loot per pk kill

    I can honestly say I never remember E maul being 25b. Lowest E maul has ever dropped to was 50b. And bonds would be way more if money was easier to make. You're not a player, you're a moderator @Kellatha. Not trying to sound mean but you don't really fit into the category of the people who I'm speaking for in this post. Gamblermen don't donate "alot" when they get cleaned, that would be against everything they stand for. They donate a little and try to turn that little into a lot. Then they clean a pvmer/pvper and that person quits. The economy can never flourish the way it is now. And money sinks are kind of why the Eco is going down hill as well. So easy to lose bank and so hard to make it. Donating shouldn't be the only way a person can make bank.Will make people who can't afford to donate quit. Not everyone has there mom's unlimited credit card.
  14. freestuffpls

    More loot per pk kill

    Even Phenomenom can agree that the wild is getting dead faster than a fast person can run fast. I think it would be best for the server if gambling was removed until there was a fix to the money making problem. Game is toxic and that strives from the way the economy is set up. A kid can get lucky and win 20t and just hold it or get banned and then bam, gf 20t in gp and/or items. Gambling should be removed and there should be more raid bosses with better loot rate. Raid bosses are often dead af because the loots are poo. When rogues chest first came out deep wild was very active with people making clans because it was worth going there but since the damage update was added and I guess the chest/key drops have been nerfed it's almost always dead. Basically what I'm saying is if it's worth going into wild people will go, but people don't go because it's not worth it. @Casey
  15. freestuffpls

    More loot per pk kill

    eco is already ripped. only way to rip eco would be to buy like 100t in bonds and gamble pk323 because he has the eco now. and he never pks. a pk server where the eco holder never pks. nor any of the other people who hold eco. wild is dead af because there's no reason to risk and really no reason to be out there unless you're a newb who's trying to pvm for loot which will take days. And non donors just get pvmrushed by pvpers. That's basically the only action the wild gets besides the same two clans fighting daily. This is a pk server no one wants to camp revs for 20 hours just to get 3b. Some kids can only be on here for like 3 hours a day. That's so much time wasted just to "try" and get a key. It can take like 2 weeks to get a key which is only 17-20b while kids running around with 100t+ banks. 20b is nothing. Can't even get a yoshi. Don't comment if you're just going to try and troll. @The aurora @Jean Paul @Phenomenon