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real nh

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Everything posted by real nh

  1. real nh

    Name changing?

    Please add a system for name changing so i can sell my username "Nh" for big bucks ty
  2. real nh

    Name changing?

    would it be allowed to sell my name to someone who would be ready to pay that amount for both name changes?
  3. real nh

    90B+ Giveaway!

    Giveaway rules - Pick a number from 0-20. - One number per person. - Check the comments before picking a number. - If there are two or more people using the same number, the prize will be paid to the one who has picked their number first. 1st - Un4g1v3n 2nd - Goobymunch 3rd - kolossus 4th - chuchine Please add me ingame to claim your prizes! I will be using random number generator, i will pull numbers there until i have 4 hits.
  4. real nh

    20b Giveaway Results

    Consolation price for whoever comments first on this post saying "missingrng4
  5. real nh


  6. real nh

    Making Forums Signatures for SpawnPK!!!

    I'll def pay for a signature if i like it.
  7. real nh


    never seen before (jk)
  8. real nh

    Junk giveaway (For noobs)

    Pick 2 items and comment your ign. https://gyazo.com/c4d22513104a18a08b84fe50f26236d8 (The lamp is only for trained accounts not maxed yet)
  9. real nh

    You didnt even kill me pal

    Haven't got a kill pic of me have you? Oh wait. You're the one who died
  10. real nh

    Junk giveaway (For noobs)

    And you shall receive
  11. real nh

    Theofficial Exposed - did not even last 10 minutes?!

    100% sure he didn't log off because of you.
  12. real nh


    why cant i delete these posts
  13. real nh

    1K+ Undead Pker Kills/ 3-4 Days of camping!

    Nothing in this server is worth any time
  14. real nh

    Staff Applications - Admin/Mod

    -1 Begs for items
  15. real nh

    Max Cape?

    Could we have a cape, that you get when you have maxed all of the stats? I feel like 1k kills and a killstreak of 50 players takes too long.
  16. I have a problem with my client, i can't spawn loadout items. It doesn't even let me press any of the buttons in the client?
  17. Subbed and commented ign : NH
  18. real nh

    Hello again, SPK!

    Hello, my name is John, and i'm not really new to this server, but i have been on a long break. I started playing on spk way before the pos, and i have also donated some money to the devs, as i see a lot of potential in this server and i like it very much! It's the only rsps i play. Also i'm actively playing and trying to rebuild my bank by pvm now, my goal is to be rich again (And not gamble it all away again)
  19. real nh

    Selling one 5$ bond and a 10$ bond

    5$ Bond sold, 10$ bond left.
  20. real nh

    Selling one 5$ bond and a 10$ bond

    Preferred cash, if items ---> overpay. IGN -> NH
  21. Great video! I've made videos on other rsps gambling waay back. thinking of starting them again on spawnpk. I've been on a long break and i just started playing this game again. However im cleaned atm, but im trying to rebuild actively ign : NH // Number #20 My youtube channel name is doge shibe, just to prove that i'm subbed and liked the video.