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About mrfuzzy

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  1. mrfuzzy

    Allowing Players w/

    I didn't set a pin, i wasn't required, i don't forget passwords, never have. I write them down, any experienced mmo player will tell you its the best idea.
  2. mrfuzzy

    Allowing Players w/

    if the list is so long then more staff needs to be added, other wise it just shows bad management. Of course i do other things but no i can not play on an alt i get the same silly lil pin message. Im well aware people have lives and im not the only one with an issue, But again shows a lack of staff to take care of these issues, There needs to be a select group of people who take care of tickets, and another one for pass resets and appeals and pin resets. Im sure there are a more then few people who would be more then willing to handle a portion of what happens on a day to day, theres a reason owners arent employee's. and i absolutely understand not everyone can be trusted but theres ways to reduce the amount of damage any particular group/person can do set in specific roles. N with every business lets face it this is one theres always going to be bad employee's(volunteers in this case lets face it you wouldn't pay them lol) gotta deal with them as they come or you'll always have a backlog of bs and stress to deal with.
  3. mrfuzzy

    Allowing Players w/

    Allowing Players w/ Pin problems and the like the chance to play another character while they're waiting for the owners to deal with the issue at hand it would AT LEAST help with the wait because lets face it IT TAKES TO DAMN LONG for simple things to be resolved. And ive been informed its only the owners who deal with issues n staff pass problems along. Kinda flawed but i understand they dont want any abuse of power to take place, Thats amazing im happy thats how its going on, but cmon now it shouldnt take a day or 2 for a problem to be fixed.
  4. mrfuzzy

    Pin Problem Can't use Account

    so problem still persists
  5. mrfuzzy

    Pin Problem Can't use Account

    Sounds good to me, At least someone looked at it other then me.
  6. mrfuzzy

    Pin Problem Can't use Account

    bump. What does the staff do on here anyway
  7. mrfuzzy

    Pin Problem Can't use Account

    It'd be nice if the staff did anything, Like oh reply to a post.
  8. mrfuzzy

    Pin Problem Can't use Account

    As title says. Don't think i ever set a pin so no idea if that's going to be an issue. Tried to make a new account, same pin problem
  9. mrfuzzy

    "Resting" option.

    stamina and energy potions exist bud just bring one -1
  10. mrfuzzy

    Best Pk So Far

    no worries. just clearing that up is all.
  11. mrfuzzy

    Best Pk So Far

    you misunderstand, its MY best pk, would have fixed it but wasn't able to change title of it.
  12. mrfuzzy

    Best Pk So Far

    http://prnt.sc/f3rkt1 quite lucky to live, was being ice barraged from the time they died, had to eat to get all the drops while still tb'd thank god it was only a half tb. edit: Oh the fury was mine, they had an eternal glory
  13. mrfuzzy

    teleblock bug at revs

    i could live with this, itll never happen but its a good idea none the less..
  14. mrfuzzy

    teleblock bug at revs

    Shouldn't the owner take pride in a properly working server? This type of comment and post should be accepted with open arms. i bet he doesn't want people playing real rs.
  15. mrfuzzy

    teleblock bug at revs

    your right but its still a teleport. and teleblock should work regardless, Theres always running south. and what would stop people from activating the obelisk while being tb'd and teleporting their enemy from them and escaping?