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staker angel

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About staker angel

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  1. https://gyazo.com/ea2f7d3f6e1b50617c4dc56d2762fd48
  2. staker angel

    possible new bosses and lottery?

    So as the eco holders are getting cleaned and feeling generous to host 500b dps every day now the eco is getting kinda bad... i've thought about the idea a server lottery 2 possible ways this could work would be the following.. 1. in-stead of using cash to enter the lottery you use items higher value items give you more lottery tickets you receive and the winner would receive all the items BUT out of all the items entered the winner only gets half of those items (example) 10 players enter the lottery each player enters with a blowpipe (random item i thought of) the player who wins the lottery wins all items (in this case blowpipes) but the lottery automatically destroys 5 of those blowpipes so the winner only receives 5 blowpipes. 2. Same as one but instead instead of receiving items you receive cash for the items entered in the lottery for example 10 players enter the lottery each with blowpipes, One player wins the lottery but instead of receiving the blowpipes he receives 13b cash (blowpipes are about 1.2-1.7b atm) But you have to enter with items NO CASH. another way this could work would be if every day or week, the item to enter lottery changes, one day its dragon claws the next its a blowpipe the next its a slayer helmet the next its a magma helm the next its any chaotic the next its a dragon war-hammer (just naming items) thats all i have more the lottery. NOW, the 2 new bosses id love to see ingame would be scorpia and chaos fanatic scorpia being able to drop the imbued heart (an osrs item that increases your magic level and is way better than a magic potion) scorpia being able to drop overload potions (3 at a time noted) scoring being able to drop a dragon hunter crossbow (a crossbow 5% lower than an armadyl crossbow but gives about a 20% damage boost when used against dragons) and other fill in drops Chaos fanatic chaotic fanatic being able to drop elemental weapons (since chaos elemental is always occupied) and possibly a new elemental weapon add-on suggestion for the weapon (if this is ever implemented) a new elemental fang. Similar to the magic fang which could be added onto the elemental staff only (it would increase the attack rate by 2 ticks) chaos fanatic being able to drop emblems chaos fanatic being able to drop dragon war-hammer and other fill in drops. thats all i have thanks for your time COMMENT AND LEAVE FEED BACK PLEASE
  3. staker angel

    [April 15th, 2017] Patch notes

    thanks for the chocatrice update
  4. staker angel

    Economy and event idea...

    Well when i said in a contained area, I meant an area in the wildi dungeon similar to revs where other players can kill you also, in order to go to this contained area you need to pay a fee every 5 or 10 minutes or else you will be kicked out (you need to have 100m cash in your inventory to be allowed to killed these monsters for a 10 minute time period. once the 10 minutes is up you can choose to pay another 100m for another 10 minutes.) i suggest the drop rate to be around 1 in about 750ish. you can only kill so many of these birds in 10 minutes.
  5. staker angel

    Economy and event idea...

    Many players agree with the idea and it doesnt necesarrily have to be items worth billions like blowpipes and etc but items that some players have hundreds of like took-har-khals claws chaotics etc. throw away items. In return for donating these items the drop rate increases for bosses meaning you can make your money back with a rare drop
  6. staker angel

    Economy and event idea...

    Not many people are happy with this years Easter event... the events requires 1166 chocatrices to be killed for the main reward an easter mystery box.. While other undesirable rewards are about only 50 kills or so. This would be understandable if the chocatries spawned in small enclosed areas in the wild (SUCH AS AN AREA LIKE LAVA DRAGONS) but, that's not the case. Instead chocatrices are rarer to find in the wilderness than revenants. With the requirement of 3500 choccy tokens for a good reward and only 3 tokens per chocatrice kill and how rare they are to find in the wilderness... it's safe to say not many people will actually be participating in the event. My suggestions to make the event worth while are the following: 1. Have the chocatrices spawn in a dungeon similar to the revenant dungeon with a fee of killing them. What i mean by fee is players must have cash in their inventory if they want to kill these monsters and as time goes on the cash disappears from their inventory (similar to warrior guild tokens) 2. Instead of the monsters dropping only choccy tokens they should be able to drop the rewards as well.. the Eastery Mystery Box, Pink Partyhat, Basket of Eggs, and the bunny suit should be dropped by the chocatrices as rare drops instead of having to kill an unrealistic amount of chocatrices for a single reward.. Aside from the Easter event I have a suggestion to help the economy while benefiting players at the same time... The well of goodwill should be introduced as an economic sync. Simple idea, players must donate items to the well for the well to fill up and once the well if filled the whole server gets a 15% rare drop increase on all monsters in the game for 25 minutes. Example: Player A donates 3 blowpipes to the well of goodwill, now the well is 30% filled. Player B comes along and donates 7 blowpipes, the well is now 100% full and the server receives a 15% rare drop increase for the next 30 minutes. This would work with other items such as dragon claws, slayer helmets, chaotics, bandos, bounty capes, elemental weapons... All items that have crashed in the economy. Obviously the drop rate increase is only one idea but, other ideas could be thought of such as a boss that spawns once the well is filled, once the boss is killed the well resets. This boss would spawn in a multi area in wilderness and the top 3 players who deal the most damage get rewards from killing the boss. This would help items that should be much higher than they are right now rise back up in price and rarity and would introduce fun server events. Anyways, that's all i have for now would love to see both of these implemented to the game please leave your thoughts in the comments Ingame : staker angel