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About Glamboy

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    Junior Member
  1. Glamboy

    Few suggestions.

    Stardust rocks + a store isn't a bad suggestion, but the amount of stardust would have to be proportionate to the value of the item. The rest I support.
  2. Glamboy


    Take care.
  3. Glamboy

    50% of repair cost given to PKer

    Too much gold into the game. If anything, maybe a slight BM boost could be considered.
  4. Glamboy

    Extremely Simple Suggestion

    Thanks for this! Edited the original post to merge with your idea.
  5. Glamboy

    Extremely Simple Suggestion

    I recently got a pure scroll as a drop, and have been trying to sell it on the TP. However, today, I lagged, and before the sell window popped up, I clicked on the Pure Scroll (to select it as an item to put a price on), and found that I had used it. This wasn't what I wanted, but I'm not complaining, rather, maybe: Add a second window in the chatbox how you do with bonds, double-checking whether one wants to redeem it versus it being a typo, the same going for all high-tier mystery variants, namely: Epic Pet Box Pure Scroll IV Mystery Chest Mystery Bag A simple fix, hoping to prevent other people from finding themselves in the same predicament. Cheers, [NOTE] Merging this suggestion with "I Just Rag"'s idea [NOTE]
  6. Glamboy

    Small updates (TP/NPCs)

    A simple solution to this would be to remove the items from said banned acc's TP, and put them in the bank of the account(s) banned. OT: Good ideas. I support all of them.
  7. IGN: Rumble Rambo Number: 446
  8. Glamboy

    Dharoks v2 Bank! Also a small ~100b give away!

    Ign: "Rumble Rambo" Good luck to all.
  9. Glamboy

    Third age Mystery Box & Third age Druidic set.

    Third-Age items are rare for a reason. Just because it's rare and hard to obtain does not mean it has to suddenly become easier. No support, I still see it traded here and there, and it is more so an end-goal for people.
  10. Glamboy

    ★ $30 GIVEAWAY ★ +Nice vid ★

    Nice! IGN: Rumble Rambo GL all!