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About toasted

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  1. toasted

    I've lost my password/pin

    Hello, I've lost the PASSWORD/PIN(assuming the pin as well) on my account - "toasted" http://prntscr.com/ihn4zo
  2. toasted

    this is for you Zerkle Jerk

    http://prntscr.com/f1pq4k prolly should ban this scum.
  3. toasted

    PlankJims First PK video.

    I'm new to hybrid and NH. I'd love to have someone practice with me.
  4. IGN toasted or toastedv2 my number is 777
  5. Having two kids man. I have a three year old son and a one year old daughter. They are my world.
  6. toasted

    Quick Prayers Bug :/

    This same shit happened to me for divine rasi and magma
  7. toasted

    Elder n00b Smacked :/

    "bruh i lagged"
  8. toasted

    Quick expose.

    I wanna try to get in the NH scene. I'm new to briefing. But kids like this ruin it for me.
  9. toasted

    Ryan ??

    Go bump it man. I have been waiting close to two weeks
  10. toasted

    You should to look this.

    I personally feel like it's either favoritism or random selection. Because I've have an appeal open and others that just post get answered before mine has even been looked at. I don't think it's corruption I just think it might be unorganized. However I dont k ow what goes on behind the scenes so I don't really know and neither do you. I do know that being rude isn't going to help. Also I had a hard time understanding your post. I mean that with no disrespect.
  11. toasted

    Dharoks v2 Bank! Also a small ~100b give away!

    Nicely done. IGN toastedv2
  12. toasted

    Didn't get my 3mbox

    Didn't get them but did get the bond.
  13. toasted


    If anyone is interested in learning html css jQuery and more there is a class online for 19.99 that's legit thechive posted about it if anyone interested. I think the sale ends tomorrow. I'm not sure if posting about this is illegal or not. So feel free to delete/lock if necessary.
  14. toasted

    Clue scrolls!!!!

    I am not going in-depth here because you should all know what they are. I would love to see them implemented. Obtainable via npc kills and depending on npc level it will be easy medium or hard. I myself love clues and I'd love to do them. Please comment below with what you think the loot should be from each tier. Thanks! Toasted.
  15. Loool I got slapped like the first 3 clips.