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Everything posted by Index

  1. Index


    Not a big deal, but would be nice to have noted be an option for more items, namely ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaotics Coin Shop Items (Armadyl Crossbow, Arcane Stream Necklace etc.) Amulet of Fury (or) Dominion Tower Gloves (Swifts, Goliaths, Spellcasters) Abyssal Tentacle PvP Armours & Weapons (Vesta, Statius, Zuriel, Morrigan) Primal Armours & Weapons Amulet of Ranging, and so on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to comment below any additional items or any concerns, Index.
  2. Index

    Barrelchest Pet

    PM me, open to all offers.
  3. Good to see updates. Are task scrolls receivable through skilling or no? If not, it only makes sense for them to be obtainable this way. Thanks for this!
  4. Index

    Helper Applications Name-SpkPker

    I can't tell if this is a troll post, but if it's not, then absolutely NO support. #1. Who are you? #2. "Your age:13" - People have been telling me age doesn't matter, but it does. It seems as if though you haven't developed to the point where you grasp proper spelling and grammar? Literally at 13 your prefrontal cortex is STILL developing (and that's responsible for problem solving and higher-cognitive tasks). If that's not properly developed, why would we entrust in you a position that solely deals with situations that require those 2 things? #3. What does "restric my punishment" mean? Are you punished? You're not allowed to apply for helper if you don't have a clean record. #4. "this helper postin would be good for me" - It wouldn't be good for the server though. At least put effort into your post. Don't ignore the red squiggles underneath your terrible misspelled words, and correct them.
  5. Index

    fix yo spawnables

    They're spawnable, and show up as green, but are untradable and behave like any other spawnable item (can't put in tp, can't trade, disappears upon dropping).
  6. Index

    Client Bug on Mac

    To whomever this may concern, This isn't a big deal, but often when I close the client I find the jar loader still hanging on my dock, as an active process. However, Activity Monitor doesn't show any traces of the Jar. being ran. It's quite annoying as they can build up, and continue to stay until I restart my computer. Thanks for reading.
  7. Index

    Apology to Medicated TV.

    Trading integrity for pixels. Fucking pathetic.
  8. Index

    Gambling addicts

    Fucking shameless.
  9. Index

    It's time I moved on.

    Truly sorry to hear about that, losing a family member is one of the toughest things you can endure. Keep striving, and keep your head up in University. Take care, it was nice seeing you around, you were always a good person.
  10. Index

    trading post bug

    Did you have max cash or max cash stack in your bank? Staff can check logs for you and can tell you what happened,
  11. Index

    Semir or sb helper application

    After a few more days, you get the biggest NO support I've ever given. You're immature, emotional, and lack the general adult's developed prefrontal cortex to deal with problems effectively without bias.
  12. Index

    new prices

    Donator tickets are 10m. It's one of the only accurate things in this guide.
  13. Index


    Which account of yours got banned? You obviously aren't saying this from an objective standpoint. People get banned because they BREAK the rules. It's how shit keeps together.
  14. Index

    Semir or sb helper application

    I like that all your replies to your support messages always fall within a <5 minute radius. Is that the time you were taking to create new accounts? Nonetheless, this may be the worst staff application I have ever seen. I have been here 3 months, and never seen you ask if anybody needs help ONCE. You are never in the Help CC, nor do you seem to be a joy to interact with. Why would they even CONSIDER this? All this post shows is that you are willing to stoop low enough to create FALSE ACCOUNTS to show SUPPORT for yourself because deep down you TRULY know that nobody who's even remotely aware can support this post. No supp .... NEGATIVE support.
  15. Index

    Semir or sb helper application

    Who are you?
  16. Index

    Dice is a certified Sniper

    You are Dice. No need to hide it, we all know. Nice snipes though.
  17. Good to see new updates. Thank you.
  18. Index

    Price guide

    Prices will continuously crash until they reach a new equilibrium point. It's simply because there are too many items in the game right now, and the player base has shrunk. Feel free to write a guide though, I'd love to give some input on it too.
  19. Index

    new prices

    Again, guides are USELESS (I did not say you are, so do not take any offence). I've previously already explained that making a comprehensive price guide serves NO purpose. The eco changes all the time. Just a note: BM sits at 4-6m at the moment. I'll show you: As of 31/1/2017, you posted: "Death Pet 90-120b" - these can barely fetch 90b currently (there are some lower in TP that have been there for a few days). "Primal Rapier 1-2b" - these hover around ~1B. "Elemental C'bow 9-10" - there are 4 of these below 9B in TP that have been there for quite some time, unable to sell. "3rd Age Platebody 15-20b" - "Juict" was offering to buy one for 40B today the whole day and was unable to make a deal, despite people with it being online. The list goes on and on, and maybe tomorrow, my post will be wrong too. However, I appreciate the effort.
  20. Index

    Jadzz staff application v2

    I'm not sure why you didn't follow the original format? Those 7 questions encompassed everything you've listed here, and would've been much easier to follow. I haven't seen you help much recently, in help CC nor asking in yell. Neutral.
  21. Index

    Price guide

    This. You can't regulate the market, it's a self-driven force. Even if it were a "figure of authority" who were to create a list, if the demand doesn't hold, people will sell for less. The issue lies in the belief that prices are stagnant, when they are elastic and always subject to change. No support. If a person were to write up a guide, what would they use as benchmarks? The market changes every single day, and the guide would be obsolete before you even know it.
  22. Index


    Good to see a thorough and confident response. This should dispel all doubts on whether you still "care" for this server (you obviously do). Also, great to hear! I'll patiently be waiting for these to come out. You can always PM me if you want to brainstorm how to implement suggestions, I'm all for moving the server forward.
  23. Index


    I'm unsure where to post this, so I decided to post it under this sub-forum. If any forum mod/administrator sees a better fit for it elsewhere, feel free to move this post. First, let me preface this by saying I know "RuneX" exists, and is relatively new in terms of development. Anything I say from here on out is more from a concerned standpoint, not one of criticism. Being here on SPK for around 2-3 months, I've personally noticed a downward spiral in terms of frequency of updates, as well as quality of updates. This is not a particularly large time-frame objectively, however, in the world of RSPS this is a significant amount of time. The recent updates [refer here for the most recent update/patch list http://spawnpk.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5110] involved bringing in the Raid weapons & armour. It was good to see this update come into play. However, the content isn't particularly sustainable content. In other words, these aren't armours / weapons that generally become available to newer players, nor are they used much (I personally haven't seen dragon thrownaxes in more than 1-2 instances, and the "twisted buckler" is easily substitutable by better off-hands that cost much less). Asking around SPK, when players (veterans and new players) were prompted with the question "What would you like to see?", they most often mention Mini-games. Mini-games are a great idea. They bring the community together, and generally pit them to work together as a team (ex. Pest Control, which here, let me propose that Pest Control be added, with void rewards placed there and taken out of the Blood Money shop). To the owners / developers: in spite of this, we haven't given up. The suggestions sub-forum is thriving now more than over, and players are beginning to make notes of improvements they'd like to see. When you have time, it'd be wise to brainstorm how to implement some of these. Tl;dr: RuneX (the eco server) is out. It has unintentionally resulted in this server's lack of updates, which, both in terms of frequency & quality seem to have considerably declined in the past 1-2 months. This is not a post of criticism, rather, just observations I've made that correlate with a somewhat falling player-base.
  24. Index

    What people want to happen in Spawnpk

    Don't think money is the answer. Staff should intrinsically want to help, they shouldn't need money as a motivation to help. If they feel like they do, maybe it's time for them to step down (there are plenty of applications in the "apply" section that I see have potential). Of course, if Ryan & Ramzi work out a payment method, I wouldn't be opposed to it.
  25. Index

    --Big Suggestions--

    Good thread, thanks for integrating our collective ideas. Add under "Extra" that we should be able to set our hp lower than 50. I have no idea what the reasoning for it being restricted is, nor do I see it.