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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    https://vimeo.com/406403879?ref=em-sharehttps://vimeo.com/406404285?ref=em-share Thank you Impatient for providing a lovely stream, and to the lovely gentleman from "Lock Down" CC for the great content.
  2. 1 point
    1. That new death mechanic is stupid, the auto keep that we have currently is already broken. - Death pet is balanced with all the other overly powered gear/other pets this server has. 2. Skotizo pet is already the most bullshit pet. You don't even have to do anything for it it proc. Throw an entangle and splash? Don't worry! you have 30seconds to catch a Teleblock and freeze!!! 3. Cursed bounty - Agreed, they should have to skull to be able to progress in their emblem upgrading. 4. For the blade, -1 we already have enough overpowered untradeables 5. Clan tournaments seem like a cool idea, as long as the server isn't providing prizes, and it's a stake between clans. 6. I agree with the special attack attack teleportation delay, but with the skipping bounty hunters, that's again a no, you're apart of a clan, no one wants to waste time and/or potentially gear just because you can call a 10 man team. The skipping mechanic is fine how it is. In conclusion, I know you are apart of the clan, and most of the people giving positive feedback most likely are too, this thread seems to only benefit the clan members, not not actually new players like you tried to suggest. Those prod PKers can still 2 hit the new players whether they're skulled or not. Every other suggestion just seems like a power boost for your clan, the skotizo pet is an annoying pet already, death pets just combat the other broken items/pets in the game, we already have enough untradeables without the blade and the Bounty Hunter skipping is fine how it is, you can't skip while in combat, and I think that's enough. I can already predict all of your clan members will be quoting anyone that has opposing views, but that's how it goes. Exact thing can be said about new NHers coming to the servers, hitting singles ALONE, and having 5 people fall in, once again, abusing the special attack restore mechanic and driving them from the server.
  3. 1 point
    Brilliant topic, would like to see this all implemented into the game. it would entice me to attempt to pvp in deep singles more because atm theirs just nothing for me there Big +1
  4. 1 point
    They'll only verbally attack you if their cc has their back so they can group up and drown out your comebacks, yet we get mute warnings. In my opinion, in my opinion. @Phenomenon @Impatient <- Seekers of confidence through online video games because they're socially disadvantaged.
  5. 1 point
    Holy shit, nice thought-out suggestion post! I like the above solution, it creates a double edge sword effect which in one hand could pay off and the other if you are not careful would make you loose a valuable item. Edge Pking: Maybe make it so cursed orb auto-skulls you to prevent prod tektonic + divines from abusing cursed bounty hunter. My suggestion to overcome Shade/Death pet is a rework as follows: Death Pet (other variants) - Imo death pet isn't a problem because it only allows you to keep +1 item and has no other additional effects, keeping 1 item in fair enough but you shouldn't be able to drop it last min to save your item and should be used for the full duration of the fight for the effect to work. Shade Genie - Always protect 1 item on death even when skulled & smited + allows you to keep another item ONLY if you are NOT smited. Same as above, you shouldn't be able to drop it last min to save your item and should be used for the full duration of the fight for the effect to work. Issues I can see right off the bat below. Nefting Shade/Death pet would also in-directly impact on certain items such as Amulet Of Avarice (I), Noc Yoshi, Void Alien, Skot Scep which is used for skotizo farming and it is so easy for a 5 man ele mace/malv axe to potentially smite you for a 10-15t amulet, I do agree there needs to be a fine balance but if this is balanced wrongly it will make items crash significantly and potentially cause dead content/items. This could also cause a community uproar for example back when the Yoshi was required to use blood money (imo this was a good change) and it got reverted back because of the community.
  6. 1 point
    Hey @Ariesheart93, welcome to Spawn-PK! There are a few starter-guide topics and in-game, you can also find guides on EVERYTHING you need in your quest tab. Best starter moneymaking is Daily money activities, achievements, event and slayer. If you need help with anything, feel free to hit me up on forums/discord /in-game. IGN i use the most: - Faith pots - Spartan milf hope you and your wife enjoy the gameplay and looking forward to see you in-game!
  7. 1 point
    -1 ur just mad ur 5man lockdown aka legit downie squad is getting hit off while u sweat to kill ppl pvming. hitting ppl off is the closest thing to ragging thats left dont pull a metal raimon and remove that too simply just recruit more shitmentals members since thats all ur cc can do and get them to slave for you lmao.