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Extremely detailed information about the staff team and how to get help

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Hello everyone and welcome to this thread, I will be providing you guys with all the information you need to know about the staff team and how to get help in an appropriate manner. I also make plans to have commentary videos made on this matter and others (server rules, etc) in the future.

PLEASE NOTE: No matter what rank a staff member posses, they are here to help you and are deemed to be the authoritative figures on SpawnPK. We highly appreciate all of our staff members so staff disrespect and uncooperative behavior will not be tolerated.

Table of contents:

1. Staff Ranking & Their Roles (what they can and cannot do command wise)

2. How to appropriately request for a staff member to help you & what to expect

3. Useful tips on how to appropriately get a staff members attention


Staff Ranks & Their Roles:

FpqsY05.png Helpers: Helpers are typically those that have just recently been promoted, and are learning the duties and guidelines of being a staff member on SpawnPK. Do not underestimate this rank though, as they have the jurisdiction to do just as much as moderators can! They can issue punishments/answer reports, and write tickets regarding any issue you may have in the game.

IEQoT5L.png?1 Moderators: Moderators are the most commonly ranked staff members on the server (we currently have 4). Just because this rank is common does not mean it is easily obtained. Every staff member started out as a helper upon promotion, and have to prove themselves through working hard on a consistent basis and displaying an immense amount of maturity and trustworthiness. They have the ability to help you with many issues such as:

• Writing tickets regarding any issue you may have (PIN/PW/Hacking/Scam/ETC!)

• Handling any issues/tension players may be having with one another, whether it's by issuing a jail sentence, mute, ban, or by simply sitting down with the two players and coming up with a peaceful compromise that results in a warning or nothing at all.

oKbUZMD.png Super Moderator: Super Moderators have been with us for quite some time. It's one thing to get promoted from helper to moderator, however, the Super Moderator rank is a whole new level and is not given to just anyone. They are pretty much the equivalent to the "Captain" Rank in clans, with only two officials above them: Administrator and Owner rank. Super Moderators are capable of handling issues in game just like a normal moderator would, however, they are able to do it at a much more efficient rate and with more knowledge and experience on what to do during each scenario. They also have the ability to decline appeals, typically after discussing it with Phenomenon, Head Of The Disciplinary Department.

***When the Administrator and Owners are not online, the super moderators are deemed to be in charge.***

v06wVqy.png Administrator: Currently, we have one Administrator in game named "Phenomenon". If you ever need to get a hold of him, he keeps a keen eye out in the help CC and Yell-Chats. His private messages are usually on, unless he is extremely busy/getting flooded with unnecessary spam. Phenomenon is The Head Of Disciplinary Management, meaning he has full jurisdiction and responsibilities over the "Appeal An Offense" section, and "Report A Player" section. Other staff have access to the report a player section, but it's his job to review the punishments and make sure they are justified and proper. He also has the authority to override any punishments given (take them away/reduce the duration/increase duration if found to be unnecessary). Phenomenon also handles lots of investigations regarding players who have broken the rules in the past and is trying to evade their punishment (i catch em all, don't try me ;)), and i also conduct Real-World-Trade investigations. Anything and everything you can think of related to the game and even forums Phenomenon keeps an eye over to keep the server safe.

PLEASE NOTE: If Phenomenon wishes to accept an appeal, he has to arrange a meeting with Ryan and Ramzi to discuss the evidence on file and other circumstances regarding the case. There must be a unanimous, fair, vote as to whether or not the appeal gets accepted. What does this mean?: I have to go to Ramzi/Ryan before ANY appeals get accepted. This process can take some time.

Phenomenon believes heavily in following the rules of SpawnPK, and deems them to be "The Supreme Law Of The Server". You'll never have any problems out of him as long as you don't break the rules. However, if you are found guilty of a rule violation, he's gonna do what he's gotta do. Friend or not, everyone gets treated the same. Phenomenon also has the ability to reset PINs under very special circumstances (when it can be proven you are 100% the owner of the account via logs).



The owners of the server are Ryan, and Co-Owner Ramzi. They are the supreme authority of the game and there isn't much argument when it comes to that statement. Although it may sound like they hold all of the power, they do not handle their server in a dictatorship manner. They are constantly listening to the needs and wants of the community, and apply any fixes or updates that the community had suggested. 

VIZq86d.png - The amount of work Ryan does for the server is immeasurable, as a lot of it is behind the scenes. What i do know is that he is the developer, meaning he does all of the coding and the creating of the content that you all have come to love and enjoy. He also owns another server, called RuneX. Anything and everything you can think of coding aspect wise and just the server in general, is because of this man.

sw2eMdW.png - Once again, the amount of work Ramzi does for this server is immeasurable. A lot of it is behind the scenes, however, what i can say is that he is the community manager and without him we would be absolutely screwed. You know those tickets the staff team is always writes? Ramzi handles all of these tickets, ALONE, BY HIMSELF, on a VERY CONSISTENT basis. The amount of tickets that we get in the course of 24 hours is also an extremely high number, yet he gets them done very quickly. He is the only one with the jurisdiction to reset PINs and Passwords, and he keeps our community not only safe, but also Happy. He manages the staff team and makes sure they are handling things professionally and no acts of abuse is ever committed.


Tips on how to get a staff member's attention:

1) To check which staff members are currently online/available for assistance, use the command ::Staff! You will then see a window of the staff members currently online at that time:

*Outdated List, we have even more staff members now and new promotions!*


 To see the most updated list of our staff team, you can do so by following the link below!


2) Politely send a private message to any staff member on the list stating the specific issue you are having and any other additional information that might be useful for them to assist you.

3) If their private message system is off, try to see if they are in the "Help" Clan chat, they should be ranked with some type of star icon.

4) As i stated before, sometimes private messages will be off, try getting a donator+ to yell that you need assistance and that you will be waiting patiently, no rush.

5) Consider using the forums "Help" section, as that is ALWAYS under observation by staff member Jean Paul and others.


What to expect when having a staff member help you:

1) The staff member will actively listen to your needs and gather more information about what the issue is and what they can do to help.

2) Dialogue is commonly seen with a helpful staff member, they will ask additional questions and provide you with additional information on what is going to happen.

3) Most times, a ticket will be written for the owners to review (or sometimes me if it's appeal related or something i can handle)


This is an explanation on what a ticket is:


Thank you for creating the topic using the right format and rules. I will now create a "ticket"

FAQ: What is the "ticket system" and what is the "process".

  • Here on SpawnPk, we work with a special "ticket system". As soon your topic is made according to the correct rules and right format we will create your "ticket" in a system which is only accessible by the staff-team. This ticket system informs the owner and admin about a situation in-game. Each player, alongside their issue, will have their own respective ticket and will get looked at individually. The staff team, who submit the tickets, will get a reply back from the system as soon it has been reviewed with an outcome.
  • When your ticket has been reviewed you'll be notified on here by a member of the staff-team with the outcome.

Please take note this may take some time depending on the number of requests, appeals, and other tickets. Refrain yourself from making multiple topics or bumping topics with a meaningless reply.  We also ask you not to PM Ryan or Ramzi about these situations. Not in-game nor on forums! This will sever in a punishment and your appeal/reset will automatically be denied.

The staff-team


I hope you guys found this guide useful, and remember: we are always encouraging others to apply for the staff team, but there's a very specific set of criteria we look for when promoting players. We want players that display good character and have little to no history of rule breaking. If you wish to apply you can do so here: https://spawnpk.net/forums/index.php?/forum/27-staff-applications/

I will also be posting a comprehensive guide on what i HONESTLY look for in a staff member and what is expected in the near future.

I look forward to seeing new applications!

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Woah! Awesome topic @Phenomenon 

People will now understand much better the way how the staff works, what they do and who they are. Most players have no idea how much time the current staff team is putting into all of this but luckily the majority of players do understand and appreciate it. 

Putting Ramzi and Ryan in this topic and explain what they do is a good call. It's sad to see how little they are appreciated just because of their absence in-game (which is not needed!) Running a server is a fulltime job besides their irl life and they are doing it great.

PS. Sexy layout :D

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great work as always tevin. i have seen on other server where after becoming admin people become lazy and don't help too much and not very active and it is like the opposite for you which is nice.

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Thank you guys for the support, i think i'm going to have a discussion with Ryan to see if he can add the following message upon doing ::staff :


"If you wish to learn more about the staff team and how to get the best form of assistance, type ::topic 9278!".

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46 minutes ago, legends said:

One more thing you could add is a section for how to become a staff. 😋😉

I am Pretty sure that is what he has in the works now from what i heard from him :P

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On 21.12.2017 at 4:40 PM, xheadhunterx said:

in my eyes the Newcomers dont desver any Chance of getting helper get the og's that have contacts to old Players example (rush break) he has not so much contacts but he damn old in the Server or gf 1v24 (this are just examples) im either a og but i quitted spk now cause i got bored ^^ nothing vs you ryan. PS: un-uid-ban loc on bully-squad Team?

Being an "oldfag" doesnt mean you are capeable of becoming staff, there ate many good ppl out there that have been staff on other servers and that know what its like to be a staff member, it woulf be a shame if one of those ppl would join spk and wouldnt get hus fair chance just bcuz then 10 year old and now 12 year old timmy has been playing spk for 2 years on and off, if you know what i am trying to say. Fair chance for everyone if you have the needed skill to become a staff member you should be allowed to.

On topic : nice thread overall really detailed, just wondering why you would talk about you in the third person perspective. Its prob. True you do all that but the thread should showcase what any administrator would do/does and not what "phenomenon" does, but thats just that, it still showcased a detailed describtion of your ranks tasks I guess.

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Going to go ahead and lock the topic, the main intention is to inform the players of our current staff team and what they can do to help them.

  • I have no interest in seeing any arguments break out on a thread that's meant for new/curious players.


Stay tuned for a detailed guide (with commentary) on our server rules, so we can ensure there will be no more violations right guys?! heh.. we'll see.

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