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Hi everyone! 

So a while back i made a pin reset topic, few weeks later i was asked to pm a staff and confirm its me. When i did so they asked the location the account was originally made and after i told them, they told me it didnt match what it said in their system, i explained for them that i moved to another city but the location i gave was where the account was orginally made and they said it didnt match. Now its been months that ive been trying to get my account back i answered all questions asked and everything, ive been talking to different staff members for a while and we have been trying to get a hold of a owner because its getting really frustrating when i have tried everything to get my account back, is there anyone else who had the same issue? i explained when the account was made, where it was made, how i got my donator rank and i even got asked like a year or two ago the same question about location and when i told them it matched so its weird that it dont match now, i really would love to talk to someone through discord or anything to resolve this problem. last time i played was before i moved


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Hello this really isnt something another player can help with. Every one is different, if you have talked to other staff, then they already made a ticket for the owners, your simply waiting for them now. Some people get help in hours, some get help in days, and some may take a week. it all depends on the owners and there schedules, even staff member have this wait occasionally. its perfectly normal. Locking it, no one can help or give insight since everyone got help at different times, the owner could of been hella busy and it could of taken them a week+ to get there stuff reset, on the hand players could of contacted us when the owners were not busy, and therefore they got there stuff reset in 1-2 days or less. Feel free to pm me if you have more questions regarding the owners or your pin, as far as location, i can only assume a vpn was at play at some point in your playtime on the server. happy to help, cleaned my inbox, so pming here your guaranteed to get a response rather quickly. 

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