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Experiences with Scooby Doo

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Thread will probably be closed but i am interested in hearing peoples opinions. 


I remember about a year or something like that ago, Scooby Doo jailed me ingame for 'scamming'. I was hosting blackjack, his friend came up to me and gambled, lost and then afterwards whined about we agreed to flowerpoker even thought i was auto messasing i hosted blackjack and no words about flowerpoker were exchanged. Scooby without any log investigation or so decides to just jail me since it is his friends, even though he was in the wrong and the solution was, since they cant seem to find a solution, the solution was to trade over the won items so they could be voided / emptyed ....


Anyways - now a while back i did some RWT for about 100-500b. It is what it is, and im sorry. Eitherway. My account Psyfly was jailed, i pmed him multiple times from other accounts i created. Finally getting a reply, he tells me to log psyfly, asks me to confess which i did, and then tells me to message him on discord and make an appeal. I make an appeal about a month back and message him on discord. He has written 1 reply and thats "Ign?" and just droppde the case


He banned me completely from the server - i could atleast play the other accounts beforehand, and why 'thrive' for me to keep contacting him with the case when he ignores it anyways


It bothers me that staff in general just take their friends words for good, even though they may be in the wrong, and whats even worse is the general lack of what i would call 'real support' with players having issues with PINS, passwords, emails, appeals, etc which takes months and months to look on


Some people are even jailed without any explanation or proof and have fought for months to get an answer - people have been saying the server is dying for years, yeah thats true but it will eventually come to an end. The only reason it is running, lets be real, is cause of the gambling addicts that keeps pumping money in to the game and first when there is not enough money pump cause too many people are banned/jailed and there is no system in it anymore, then you will start looking at it ... i just feel like its a matter of time before server will get wiped, and 'restart' FRESH... yeah.... idk man im just tired of the poor management. Server updates etc in general, yeah hella nice. But its like... That and youtube... Nothing else. 


WELL... Sorry for the long shitpost. If it doesnt get deleted within a few seconds, what are your opinion on staff in general and what do u think about the servers management in general? (not just gameplay and youtube but everything besides that, share with me please, ENLIGHTEN ME)

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He helped me with a pass reset no issues, and i'm sure 95% of people who say "i did nuffin wrong" probably actually did something, People (players) are toxic asf on this server and then plead that they did nothing, doubt [x]

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 @Scooby Dooo is actually one of the most active helpful members on the team and as far as your case goes I am sure there more evidence then just someone said something different, they have logs to prove otherwise.

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5 hours ago, Backyardigan said:

That dude was super toxic when I played a year and a half ago. Superrrr toxic so I'm not surprised.


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