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Theatre of Blood

Ironman mode - With a SPK Twist!

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So ive been playing SPK on and off for years now and always tend to lose the will to continue playing after like a month or two of a hard grind.  Ive been thinking about a way to keep the server interesting at all times and kind of have lots of people start fresh without having to really reset the economy.  I watched a video last night that Tevin made and he ended up emptying the vast majority of his bank because he got bored of having vast amounts of wealth and the game wasnt the same anymore, but what if he didnt have to? :D

What about a new game mode - A SPK Ironman mode, where players cannot use the Marketplace, nor trade other players. A game mode in which pking rewards such as blood wild caskets and mchests from pks and so on are still obtainable? So these ironman can pk as they have done before on their normal accounts but dont receive the typical loot from there opponent, only artifacts, mchests, blood wild caskets and so on. All of the shops in the game are still useable, but players will have to grind for the blood diamonds, blood money, donator tickets and so on in order to use these already existing shops. All accounts would be trained accounts with maybe slightly slower experience rates.

I personally would love having to grind all the best pets, grind the supplies needed in order to fuse the limited time pets and have to get all the pk gear I use from scratch! Gambling would be off limits and duel arena aswell, but players can still open caskets if they recieve them, or enchant prize keys that they recieve from pks or pvm drops. All spawnables would remain spawnable, that is the spk twist, but the real end game items would have to be grinded for, aswell as all the untradeables that we can obtain!

What do you guys think? Maybe throw in a pk competition at the end of the first 30 days with a cash or ingame reward and we have a huge update, that will draw in hundreds of new players and will make the servers tons in donations in the process!? The hype is real, maybe add a 15 percent droprate to such accounts aswell? Hope this topic gets the conversation rolling, have heard lots of positive feedback from veteran players the last few days but this will be the first official thread ive posted anywhere. Lets see what people think, this change would be amazing for the server!

Edited by Theatre of Blood

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Veterans at this point will agree to any sort of new content to distract us from the dull every day same routine on SPK. There is nothing but heavy QoL changes that don't apply to the majority of the player base the past months and any real new content hasn't dropped since what, back in May with the Superior wilderness monsters?

It seems enticing but I doubt it'll be as good as you envision it as it's impossible to tell what could happen. The same way veterans want new content, is also the same way they feel about starting from a new without the items and pets they've worked hard for in the past years. Personally, it sounds good but I wouldn't want Ryan to waste dev time on this "breath of fresh air" and steal from actual content(whenever that is coming) to the main game.

Edited by Kellatha
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I find this an interesting point during this massively huge ass comunity, and there should be another Game-play mode Option for many of us who would consider this as a fun way to play the server with and most definitely a competitive one since many others could like challenging themselves for a better result afterall, also more Achievements should be added and lots of rewards for certain points for this option and might could use a specific clan for this special environment where everyone challenges each other and race to the first line as fast as possible, could be fun and beneficial to whom is really interested in spending shitton of efforts.

And other few suggestions in mind such as, An Maxed Iron-Man Cape, other few items could be added from other ideas too aswell to make it worth the try..

Perhaps also to the first maxed 5-10 Iron accounts have must earn a Special item which could be an Untradeable or something to make a good history out of it!

I support this idea and Goodluck with it.


Edited by Badassery
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This has been up for over a month now and now we see Metal Raimon actually starting a ironman series on spk.. With pretty much the same standards that I suggested.. Can we get some comments on this thread? maybe some support or at least some resistance so this thread doesnt sit here and die out

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