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metal justin

A few raid suggestions

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Hey everyone. So I came up with some ideas for raids that could be improved or possibly added to make things either better or more interesting. By now everyone knows my opinions on how rare some rares are etc so I don't want to talk about that.

1. More food drops in bigger teams.

Some bosses drop either 2 or 3 manta rays. I think it'd be a better idea if bosses dropped amounts of food and potions based on the size of your team, because whenever I'm duoing or even trio+, I struggle more with food than I'd be doing a solo. I think it's great to make raids very team based as it's one of the most fun things about it, yet as it is right now it simply feels more rewarding to do solos on normal, as it's not only easier but far more relaxing (especially for players with comp capes. When you solo every kill is 100% yours, so overall you'll see more heals from your comp cape than in duos). Scaling this up a bit might make it more tempting to actually go in a team. 

The food could also be slightly more scaled on higher difficulties, especially when you start getting into master raids (although already getting a "near struggle" on expert sometimes if you have a sloppy raid).

2. Chest rolls on higher difficulties.

Right now, doing higher difficulties doesn't feel very rewarding. The time it takes to complete is relatively big when going up even a single difficulty, and as far as I can tell adept gives the exact same stuff as a normal raid would. So why should I do a solo adept raid when I can do almost 2 normal raids in the same time, for 2 chests (6 rolls) compared to 3? Same goes for expert, master etc. 

My suggestion for this is making the chest rolls slightly increased on each difficulty. 

> Adept is only slightly harder (time consuming i should say) than normal raids. So Make this chest 4 rolls instead of 3.

> Based on solo raids, an expert raid will take you approx. 3x longer than a normal solo raid. This can ofcourse be compensated by duoing, but in the end you get 4 chest rolls. If you both just did a normal one you'd have 6 rolls. For expert raids I'd suggest making the base chest rolls 5 instead of 4, with a 5% chance to get 6 rolls (or perhaps make the chance increased based on accumulated points?)

> I have not yet done any master raids, but saltysadface told me a solo took him approx 45 minutes and it becomes an entirely different raid at this level. Until more people can judge on this after completing 150 raids, I'd just say make the chest 6 rolls with the additional +1 roll based on points.

> Grandmaster is somehting I do not want to touch as no one has gotten even close to 1000 raids. But it speaks for itself that having done this many raids and unlocking these should be more rewarding than previously mentioned ones. But i'll leave this for now. (Obvious 7 rolls +1 based on points?)

3. Allowing for more accessible points

I feel like raids is missing something at the moment when it comes to points. Currently it is completely based on the health of the monsters, so of course on higher difficulties where monsters have more hp, you get more points. Besides that there are 2 ways to get more points

> Keep attacking vasa while the crystals are still active

> Doing the resources room for a bit.

As far as I can tell, I've never gotten to the resource room with inventory space, atleast not on good raids. Perhaps i'll miss 1 food from the previous room. But that room would be filled by just picking up any of the equipment necessary to get more food. 

My suggestion to make the resource room more useful, would be to allow players to go back out the door at olm and get more resources. Or perhaps just allowing this on expert or master level+ raids.

Another idea would be to allow players to accumulate more points based on time. First you'd need to add timers to every room (I think this is something most players already want because it's fun to keep track of how fast/slow you are at certain parts of the raids). Then you could perhaps add something like: Completing a room will give you +x amount of points (based on the difficulty) minus x amount of points every 15 seconds.

Example: a room on normal would give you +2500 points, but every 15 seconds 500 of those points would be taken off. Meaning if it took you 1 minute to complete the room, you'd gain an additional +500 points for said room. You could make the base substraction of points always the same on any difficulty, as rooms get progressively harder. So on a expert raid you might make it +7500 points instead of 2500.

At the moment neither I or any one i've heard from can really tell the difference between getting points and not. I've done 20k solo normal raids and gotten the same stuff as I did on 10k points. Perhaps tweaking the common drops to adjust to your amount of points a bit more would help with this?

4. Changing the common rewards slightly with more variety.

Now hear me out. I love the new rewards that raids give. It's an amazing money maker at the moment and I feel like every one loves it. But I currently have 2 problems with it.

> The insane amount of pvp boxes entering the game.

> Raw cash being added to the game quickly.

Perhaps adding more low tier items, in noted form with changing quantities, would spice things up a bit more. Especially if you're looking at items like ags, claws, pvp armors and other items that often leave the game quickly either due to salvaging, diamond salvaging or the enchanted chest. 

From all the raids I've done I'd say money bags, pvp boxes, blood money and gift boxes are common reward. And once in a while you'll see 1 claws or 1 ags or a treasure casket. But it's kind of odd for an uncommon reward to be worth far less than most of the common rewards, seeing that ags is about 150m and claws being around 400m, while the pvp box is ~1.5-2.5b (fluctuates tons every single day) and that you can get raw cash stacks between 10 and 100 bags.

It also wouldn't hurt to raise the amount of blood money from 25 to around 50. Once in a bluecorn moon you'll get 3x 25 blood money which is pretty bad in comparison to everything else. But not changing this I wouldn't mind too much considering how good all the other rewards are.

Possible items to add would be things like noted ags', claws, statius armor/warhammer (its still worth less than a pvp box even if you got 4 statius platebodys), swift/goliath/spellcaster tokens, blood shards in higher quantities and other items like this. Perferably, nothing game breaking so that it can leave the game quickly (notice 3/4 things mentioned are used on the enchanted chest)

5. Raid's overloads

This would be introducing a new item called "Dark dust" (or literally w.e don't blame me for the name making lol).

As a new uncommon drop from raids you can get between 50 and 75 dust (around 1/25 chests ish maybe a bit more rare).

The dust itself is tradable and can be sold to other players. With the 99 herblore requirement, dust can be used on super combat potions or flasks to make overloads. Once made into an overload, it can no longer be traded. These potions can only be drank inside the raids. They'll will boost your stats not like the original overloads from rs2, but slightly less, (I'd say 121/99 for melee stats, 116/99 for range and 112/99 for mage? Could be tweaked.) 

The main purpose for overloads would be that they are active for 5 minutes, and restore your stats back to boosted every 15 seconds. Once you get to the higher tier raids, brews become far more necessary than in the easier raids, but using them time after time and having to either repot or wait for your heart to recharge can be quite a hazzle (especially when olm's in the mood to spit 5 25's at u in a row).

Possible tweak for overloads: Make them boost your stats to normal potion stats (118 combat, 112 range, 109(?) for mage). This way the enchanted heart would still have its purpose of giving an "additional boost" on top of it. I'd let the community decide on what they feel like would be the best. (keep in mind overloads wouldn't be raining in, and it'd turn out be quite an expensive potion. Something that would mainly be used for higher difficulty raids to speed things up, so in my opinion making them a bit stronger than regular potions isn't that bad at all).

Additional suggestion: requiring 50+ raids completeled to make the overloads and/or needing a certain donator rank

6. Drop screen for raids

Additional bonus would be to have a screen displaying all possible loots from raids (the pets/rares) and that shows you which once you've recieved and how many of them. Just a fun little thing since osrs has released a drop log and I think people enjoy keep tracking of things like this. Drop would have to be in your name to light up, and getting the same drop twice will add a number to it.


Some small bugs still in the game;

Protection from dragonfire at olm not working correctly still. 

> Fused and variant slayer helms should protect you from the fire in combination with anti fire potions

> Protect from magic from the curse prayers should work as a +1 anti fire

> Wyvern shield (and possibly dragonfire ward haven't used this one) doesn't work as a +1 to anti fire

Tekton likes to get his pathing wrong in the north west rock i believe? It's the one on the left from where you enter the room. When mining the rock he needs to move 1 more step to melee you but won't, meaning he keeps using his undodgable range/mage attack.


Hope this is something useful and I'd love to hear you guys their feedback on this. Thanks for reading


Edit: additional idea for overloads. Making them have the normal stats of potions - however, if using one of the hearts (any of them) will make the stats "combine" with the overload, making that the preset every 15 seconds while overloaded. Enchanted heart + overload could even give a slightly higher boost than what it currently gives.

Edited by metal justin

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