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heal timer

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I was just wondering why the heal timer was added. I find it annoying at donator zones, where I can not attack the next mob due to having to wait 30 seconds to heal? if its due to healing while fighting bosses, why not just not make it possible to heal during combat. like how pking does it?.

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I was actually going to make a post about this but i forgot about it. 

I agree with you and i also don't understand why we can spawn our presets mid fight and as many time as we want, but we need to wait 30 seconds after the end of combat just to heal/restore prayer.

I suggest making it so we cant spawn a new preset while in combat and also make it so the timer is 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds.

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11 minutes ago, Micro shade4 said:

I was actually going to make a post about this but i forgot about it. 

I agree with you and i also don't understand why we can spawn our presets mid fight and as many time as we want, but we need to wait 30 seconds after the end of combat just to heal/restore prayer.

I suggest making it so we cant spawn a new preset while in combat and also make it so the timer is 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds.

shh don't tell them about the presets, as they will stop that also. its nice to be able to.

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Due to AFKers and botters that was implemented. The same situation happened in sponsor where players would just afk tekton with ::nurse on an autotyper(which i assume was no different here), it got to the point where 99% of the staff team(not me) was doing it, and action needed to take place. If sponsors got limited and we're $2500 donators, it's no surprise smaller donation ranks as little as $10 get limited as well.

My personal way out of this is to carry a bit of food, and any nex set that way you got an extra 29 HP and that's way more than enough time in between any monsters I need to kill that can't be afked like tekton/corp.

What monster besides KBD requires you to even heal up? Pretty sure only sponsors need to heal at a dzone, considering you guys just need to antifire potion to afk any dragon besides KBD.

I'll also add that the heal button doesn't even need to be present anywhere besides edgeville. SPK has pvming so easy and luxurious all people need to do is pray up and make bank with 0 effort whatsoever. I'd say get used to the changes, and don't complain further on a system that doesn't need to be present in the first place.

Edited by Kellatha

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