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Skillr Steve

Ragging and Pjing?

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Over the last several days I've started getting more into the pking side of the server to work on achievements and I have noticed that it is incredibly toxic. 

I've mainly been Pking as a 1 defence pure to knock out these achievments and I've noticed it is bad on this side of the spectrum, and apparently it's allowed. Why?

Pking behind oziach's shop is damn near impossible. As pures, you have to deal with people with defence and cursed void attacking you, speccing you, then teleing. non stop. 

You've also got people in zerker gear PJING fights, unloading their dds specs, then teleing if they don't kill who ever they pjed.


These people... Max Avon.. Bowflex…  Beretta... Bouffard… raper19... paintballer... and many many more not only do this stupid shit... but all of them except for bowflex talk mad shit and start flame wars with you. Especially when you call them out. 


This type of stuff is not allowed at edgepvp or risk fighting... why is it allowed at all? 

yesterday alone 4 new players that were trying to pk as a pure quit. because they were getting rushed by cursed void everytime the stepped foot in the wild.  two of them donated almost as soon as they started playing in order to get some money. 


Why is this form of harassment allowed? I'd really honestly like a good answer. 





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